This is meant to highlight feats of dedication in the community, so submissions should be tied directly to a reddit username and have the permission of the owner.
If you have a 5* Lv.40+10 Hero (especially one that doesn’t have an entry yet), comment in the appropriate Compendium Submission thread.
If you would like to update a previous submission, simply post a top level comment with the new build in the current submission thread. Be sure to tell us you are updating a previous submission.
If you have any questions, you can contact the r/FireEmblemHeroes mod team
Abel - Swedish_Fear
Aelfric - Dedennecheese
Alcryst - AshaTelethia
Alcryst (Groom) - tomat0me
Alear (F) - ShadowMLuigi
Alear (F) (Legendary) - BlazeBloom
Alfonse (HatF) - nyxduplex
Alfonse + Sharena (New Year’s) - Belligero
Alfonse (Valentine’s) - Dexiriev
Alfonse (Brave) - sephiroth682000
Alfred - wat-dha-fak
Alm - exxit5408
Alm (Legendary) - alcyone_
Alm (Brave) - 0blivionknight
Alm + Celica (Valentine’s) - Belligero_
Altena - AgentEris
2 - Bored5437
3 - YuvonGrohiik
4 - raike1028
5 - TiltControls
6 - kit_you_out
7 - Skybeat8
8 - Xuanwu7
9 - ValiantDuran
10 - NohrianScumbag
11 - Pyrozendot
12 - UltraZoraman
13 - goldtreebark
14 - Red_Demons_Dragon
15 - Hydrolucario7
16 - Tanagrow
17 - SorcererHex
18 - Kaiayos
19 - castle_seized
20 - CrystalAether
21 - Geomint
22 - Metroplex7
23 - EmblianScum
24 - Jagoslaw
25 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
26 - KnifeToMeetYou_
27 - roflwaffler
28 - Phaaze13
29 - BenNegify
30 - NightmareShane
31 - ShadowMLuigi
32 - Katerpu
Altina - Kami-San
Altina + Sanaki (Winter) - ora-nora
Altina (Nabata) - Lemurhart
Amelia - TheBlimp
Anna (New Year’s) - UltimaKuma
Anna (Apotheosis) - Rice092
Annand - Nintentoast
Annette - Rammiloh
Annette (Winter) - MisoSoup247
Arden - PhiphyL
Ares - penguinzrock
2 - RisenLazarus
3 - Brinzy
4 - euphemea
5 - minatoapologist
6 - Yoshieatsyourpie
7 - ZomBurt
8 - CrystalAether
9 - YuvonGrohiik
10 - crunk_juice34
11 - fidgetspinnercuck
12 - Pyrozendot
13 - Puncsaus
14 - Teafoil
15 - Da-Joe
16 - jkim1124
17 - xSuperKamiGuru
18 - BlackjackLeggo
19 - deoxys_101993
20 - samsationalization
21 - Pep794
22 - kaeporo
23 - thomasawesome55
24 - Geeene
25 - TerdMuncher
26 - Neiooking
27 - tamminhvtkg
28 - X-pert74
29 - Rammiloh
30 - intoxicatedpancakes
31 - minno
32 - Ant1ng
33 - Totsutei
34 - Phanngle
35 - NightmareShane
36 - LinkaFlame
37 - Darth-Not-Palpatine
38 - af-fx-tion
39 - Skybeat8
40 - BattlleTendency
41 - Gamer178
42 - dryomi_23
43 - Dacko04
44 - Triials
45 - Darjun_Ding
46 - Ghotistyx_
47 - Alternative-Draft-82
48 - Phaaze13
49 - Green_Uncle
50 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
51 - Swiftwhiskers
52 - CharaFanGirl
53 - Patchoru
54 - TheLeiss
55 - maku098
56 - Katerpu
Arete - CzarKhasm
Arion - Jagoslaw
Arthur (Fates) - KingJoshu
Arthur (Genealogy) - Sealking13
Artur (Winter) - duchessa13
Arval - starlyt3
Arvis - crunk_juice34
Asbel - ReclusiveBoatGuy
Ash - lilyemil
Ashe (Summer) - justinator119
Ashe (Spring) - Mogekov
Ashera - Faithispower
Ashnard - Valsyar
2 - Esrahaddon
3 - Phoenix_Trinity
4 - SuddenJami
5 - sigmawolf87
6 - 98Ms_
7 - ValiantDuran
8 - pokerapping
9 - dryomi_23
10 - UltraZoraman
11 - wright764
12 - BreakfastMint
13 - Phaaze13
14 - Registered_Unregi
15 - Green_Uncle
16 - Bored5437
17 - BenNegify
18 - Psistriker94
19 - Moosewheat
20 - Ringanel
21 - Daisyleaf6
22 - Whirlwhind
23 - NightmareShane
24 - Caty409
25 - SendMeHotDudeNudes
26 - maku098
27 - Navaldeus
Askr - Slurpuffilicious
Askr + Embla (New Year’s) - Psistriker94
Astram - TiltControls
Athena - exxit5408
Atlas - secret_julius
Aversa - LucinaTheExalt
2 - Bargotz
3 - beambitious
4 - abros_vii
5 - Kiryu5009
6 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
7 - Ukenagashi
8 - Pionf
9 - saukgon
10 - Squildo
11 - Da-Joe
12 - tsuky94
13 - af-fx-tion
14 - OneSpicyBoyy
15 - RestlessRoman
16 - Nightdancer666
17 - Elyctrokaze
18 - go4ino
19 - JsKingBoo
20 - L0RDR0B
21 - Breitey
22 - mcoyne12
23 - tamminhvtkg
24 - 0blivionknight
25 - Fehinaction
26 - The_Anti_Nero
27 - SorcererHex
28 - lonelyhoodieguy
29 - minno
30 - Ant1ng
31 - neurot0
32 - secret_julius
33 - -MANGA-
34 - BoomToast
35 - DoveCannon
36 - EggHiraeth
37 - UltraZoraman
38 - somerandom421
39 - bronzeblade
40 - IchKannDasN1cht
41 - useless_idiot_man
42 - PrisonerLeet
43 - BlueBlaze16
44 - Tery_
45 - maku098
46 - RoseCelebi
47 - GoldenYoshistar1
48 - Sprocket3
Ayra - FoxesGoneWilde
2 - equiNine
3 - exxit5408
4 - Exalted_Cloud
5 - MaskedDevil
6 - K242
7 - jaesuk97
8 - CarelessKrow
9 - -Ropeburn-
10 - oxio
11 - RisenLazarus
12 - Baby_Penguin76
13 - Lachrymosity
14 - Yoshieatsyourpie
15 - raike1028
16 - ShanoaSSB
17 - Grade-AMasterpiece
18 - Skullsmasha
19 - DHKany
20 - AleSDT95
21 - BlueBlaze16
22 - maku098
23 - Totsutei
Ayra + Mercedes (Teatime) - Grade-AMasterpiece
Azama - Seimei
Azelle - Possible-Cancel9507
Azura - exxit5408
Azura (Performing) - ev3rywhen_
Azura (New Year’s) - Kami-San
Azura (Young) - BlackAcqua
Azura (Legendary) - ihsafeway
Azura + Leanne (Hatari) - MerricisBestBoy
Balthus - TiltControls
Bantu - Rabbytt
Barst - BarstMain
Bartre - Eirikafeh
2 - ModifiedJester
3 - McdMaint5
4 - Obsideres
5 - deemdadim
6 - Excellus
7 - bowserboy129
8 - FearDubh
9 - Trigourd
10 - Fastblade5035
11 - man_in_the_suit
12 - Ryzer28
13 - FearDubh
14 - TemporalAlchemy
15 -SharpBFlat
16 - TyrekGoldenspear
17 - Xangurla
18 - Secretsword229
19 - Nintentoast
20 - JdiJwa
23 - Arklaine
24 - MystyM
25 - Patchoru
Bartre (Spring) - TiltControls
Basilio - OwlMatik
Bastian - RevolutioFalco
Benny - leoedeljo
Berkut - Symphawnics
2 - aiasthegreatest
3 - Meltlilith
4 - Zeiskyte
5 - Grade-AMasterpiece
6 - FullFrontalAnal
7 - Dracomaster3
8 - Elyctrokaze
9 - Tollomer
10 - Neiooking
11 - GoldenYoshistar1
12 - NohrianScumbag
13 - 1breadstick
14 - RoseCelebi
15 - PigPen910
16 - CunntyBunny
17 - useless_idiot_man
18 - coolspark20
19 - CharaFanGirl
20 - Rowan_18
Berkut (Darkness Within) - IAintCreativeThough
Berkut (Soiree) - goldenchocobokitty
Bernadetta - Killing-Poison
Bernadetta (Winter) - FangJustice
Bernadetta (Spring) - ScythXGaming
Bertram (Fallen) - Blizzardthree
Beruka - Lattikhya
2 - dejvy
3 - WowOwsla
4 - ChowWigglePuff
5 - seechTrimF
6 - SpaceKitkats
7 - BobbyYukitsuki
8 - 50mLSalt
9 - falconscreech
10 - coronaguardian
11 - gmapterous
12 - King_Piers
13 - EnglishNerd2
14 - DKRF
15 - forblaze653
16 - ClickHereToDie
17 - Regnum_Umbra
18 - YouArentMyRealMom
19 - Totsutei
20 - Tirlby
21 - Ditogalaxy
22 - Grover_Steveland
23 - Phenollam
24 - Non_Causa_Pro_Causa
25 - PartyChocobo
26 - FearDubh
27 - Geomint
28 - Hitokage_Tamashi
29 - neurot0
30 - ScythXGaming
31 - deoxys_101993
32 - Prime604
Black Knight - RamunePoison
2 - Fehinaction
3 - Pep794
4 - defrostice
5 - czechmate11
6 - Bubaruba
7 - Vair
8 - Da-Joe
9 - Bone1969
10 - af-fx-tion
11 - 127294
12 - XxTaeYeonxX
14 - VodkaRamen
15 - Falchion_Punch
16 - FullFrontalAnal
17 - y_th0ugh
18 - 0blivionKnight
19 - L0RDR0B
20 - GoldenYoshistar1
21 - Navaldeus
22 - andypin2002
23 - RestlessRoman
24 - EpicRome23
25 - DoveCannon
26 - Darth-Not-Palpatine
27 - DarkSlayer415
28 - BattlleTendency
29 - kit_you_out
30 - MisoSoup247
31 - CzarKhasm
32 - Phaaze13
33 - Bored5437
34 - deoxys_101993
35 - Arklaine
37 - mindthetimes
38 - Thingerfly
39 - coolspark20
40 - Moosewheat
41 - Link7609
42 - Awkward-Ceremony
43 - PrisonerLeet
44 - SirHopper
45 - Candy_Warlock
46 - Katerpu
47 - Big_moist_231
Black Knight (Winter) - MisoSoup247
Boey - exxit5408
2 - kiisyuu
3 - Symphawnics
4 - SSKM32
5 - MegaBanettes
6 - bleh13r
7 - RokuroKun
8 - Popcornzz00
9 - Donut_Monkey
10 - Kana_of_Hoshido
11 - roguemischief
12 - Triials
13 - dyeitblonde
14 - BlazeBloom
15 - takolukanow
16 - Yurio-
17 - Dracomaster3
18 - SuperSnivMatt
19 - Mosmumo
20 - Sturdybody
21 - Bang-a-Bonk
22 - UpsideDownTofu
23 - Estebest
24 - y_th0ugh
25 - RedStar133
26 - Secretsword229
27 - Skybeat8
28 - Nintentoast
29 - Matiasjobeth
30 - souicune
31 - Geomint
32 - af-fx-tion
33 - maku098
Boyd - SiilentCry
Brady - ThatKoolKidOverThere
Bramimond - SuitandTyrogue1
Brigand Boss - King_XDDD
Brunnya - abros_vii
2 - TankyMage
4 - NohrianScumbag
5 - Soren319
6 - kit_you_out
7 - minno
8 - TheLeiss
9 - PegaponyPrince
10 - Fehinaction
11 - RestlessRoman
12 - Darth-Not-Palpatine
13 - KaiDoesStuff
14 - af-fx-tion
15 - Bored5437
16 - sanseb429
17 - A_Nifty_Person
18 - jlaweez
19 - SorcererHex
20 - LeoLion989
21 - bronzeblade
22 - JdiJwa
23 - maku098
24 - G-N-S
Bruno (Winter) - Apollo_Just_Ice
Byleth (F) - cocacolafart
Byleth (M) - Rabbytt
Byleth (F) + Rhea (Summer) - ora-nora
Byleth (M) (Legendary) - GardiosFR
Byleth (F) (Legendary) - deoxys_101993
Byleth (F) (Brave) - Random546
Byleth (M) (Khadein) - Stateyourname0
Byleth (F) (Fallen) - chickeneater672
Caeda - xMarthington
2 - FearDubh
3 - exxit5408
4 - Zeronity0
5 - itonydelatorre
6 - McdMaint5
7 - FrostSurf
8 - awepossum
9 - crowning_sapphire
10 - Wyvern_Lord
11 - Afrobomb
12 - CharredLog
13 - 1000FormsofFear
14 - iLoveShiro_1
15 - Tagg580
16 - Adkhi
17 - MegaBanettes
18 - Bree64
19 - Kojow
20 - KulalalaDiemond
21 - Sainou
22 - -MANGA-
23 - BenNegify
24 - NintendoMasterNo1
25 - crunk_juice34
26 - Pionf
27 - ValiantDuran
28 - Metroplex7
29 - beambitious
30 - Nyaoka
31 - alcyone_
32 - Goomba_Face
33 - Tollomer
34 - bnm333
35 - NightmAhane
36 - DarkJara
37 - fjorm_book_ii
38 - af-fx-tion
39 - WoomyX1000
40 - BlackjackLeggo
41 - CptnHandsome
42 - Silent-Frost
43 - FullFrontalAnal
44 - FearDubh
45 - TemporalAlchemy
46 - Elyctrokaze
47 - MrFail101
48 - ThePinkReaper
49 - SuitandTyrogue1
50 - takolukanow
51 - X-pert74
52 - souicune
53 - MisoSoup247
54 - ArcturusSatellaPolar
55 - Ant1ng
56 - neurot0
57 - jp_2400
58 - dyeitblonde
59 - Pope_Penguin
60 - Hydrolucario7
61 - A_Nifty_Person
62 - RoseCelebi
63 - IzHaz
64 - Hitokage_Tamashi
65 - Alternative-Draft-82
66 - TheLeiss
67 - SorcererHex
68 - Kaiayos
69 - Grade-AMasterpiece
70 - Tery_
71 - PrisonerLeet
72 - Meltlilith
73 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
74 - Skybeat8
75 - Moosewheat
76 - maku098
77 - kuuderederedere
Caeda (Bride) - exxit5408
Caeda (Young) - jdotremy
Caeda (Legendary) - FestiveOverture
Caeda + Plumeria (Summer) - jdotremy
Caellach - Ryzer28
Cain - exxit5408
Caineghis - Squildo
Camilla - paulomei
2 - exxit5408
3 - Kupse
4 - moroseui
5 - jaesuk97
6 - MonsieurVanilla
7 - 17Master
8 - plastictir2
9 - Xytus
10 - DKRF
11 - VoltRizer
12 - Nyhmsical
13 - TheCatsTail
14 - go4ino
15 - Aerija
16 - Malkurtz
17 - RestlessRoman
18 - RisenLazarus
19 - october_5
20 - Empirica
21 - nyxduplex
22 - Tagg580
23 - Quacking92
24 - Squildo
25 - boboji7
26 - Designates
27 - Adkhi
28 - Canatee
29 - KulalalaDiemond
30 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
31 - Gold_Crocodile
32 - YukikazeNJ
33 - Z-tune
34 - LucinaTheExalt
35 - FullFrontalAnal
36 - Bang-a-Bonk
37 - Taichikins
38 - Drapsag
39 - perepipe8
40 - Phenollam
41 - TomatoFlakes
42 - beambitious
43 - NohrianOctorok
44 - Ryzer28
45 - SuperSnivMatt
46 - Nintentoast
47 - BlackwingBoi
48 - Raiden476
49 - Silent-Frost
50 - ValiantDuran
51 - Bio_liquid0
52 - TerdMuncher
53 - TheLeiss
54 - GoldenYoshistar1
55 - SorcererHex
56 - lonelyhoodieguy
57 - cozmofox222
58 - neurot0
59 - jblissey
60 - secret_julius
61 - DoveCannon
62 - Caty409
63 - Pikapals52
64 - MrStreeter
65 - SorcererHex
Camilla (Spring) - ZephyrRC
Camilla (New Year’s) - coloredcadence
Camilla (Summer) - october_5
Camilla (Adrift) - october_5
Camilla (Hot Spring) - Designates
Camilla (Brave) - RockLeePenguin
Camilla (Ninja) - TheJGohShow
Camilla (Legendary) - go4ino
Camus - InfiniteLoop0
Canas - tetraazide
Candace - ProfTurquoise
Caspar (Summer) - ukantor
Castor - Blizzardthree
Cath - MisoSoup247
Cath (Thief) - Kydiss
Catherine - Climber_Fuuka
Catria - exxit5408
2 - Kranox7656
3 - ZabieW
4 - -Ropeburn-
5 - jaesuk97
6 - PartyChocobo
7 - Nessbrawl
8 - HamukoArisato
9 - beambitious
10 - IkaruKazuna
11 - xlluminate
12 - jorgito93
13 - Glacia471
14 - sardines93
15 - sskirito
16 - Donut_Monkey
17 - Z-tune
18 - Kevin_Hend
19 - Yoshieatsyourpie
20 - euphemea
21 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
22 - NougatFromOrbit
23 - Illumina25
24 - Regnum_Umbra
25 - Non_Causa_Pro_Causa
26 - OrangeCatapult20
27 - AegisLC
28 - vectorgram353
29 - Demoyon
30 - af-fx-tion
31 - xSuperKamiGuru
32 - Ryzer28
33 - Nazh2206
34 - Estebest
35 - TerdMuncher
36 - Yuvalis
37 - SorcererHex
38 - minno
39 - Ant1ng
40 - neurot0
41 - BlazeBloom
42 - Caty409
43 - Zerosiz
44 - narzibenoucdel
45 - YoungsterCalvin319
46 - ShadowMLuigi
47 - Zigoon
48 - IzHaz
49 - Toluthin
50 - ScythXGaming
51 - Green_Uncle
52 - Tery_
Catria (Hares at the Fair) - nosefera2
Catria + Thea (Bridal) - AbyssiHu
Catria (SoV) - Yoshieatsyourpie
Catria (Wind) - BobbyYukitsuki
Cecilia - Lucille_FE
2 - exxit5408
3 - NotJimRV
4 - AlbinosRideDinos
5 - jaesuk97
6 - Issuls
7 - YuvonGrohiik
8 - TheEerieFire
9 - GosuFeng
10 - Krzyforbacon
11 - crazymunch
12 - hoistthesword
13 - KaiDoesStuff
14 - TyrekGoldenspear
15 - PegaponyPrince
16 - october_5
17 - Slavomirus
18 - LaiLiPing
19 - DoveCannon
20 - theprodigy64
21 - Nintentoast
22 - narzibenoucdel
23 - souicune
24 - Totsutei
25 - Dacko04
26 - A_Nifty_Person
27 - Tanagrow
28 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
29 - Dominicelel
30 - ZipperQR
31 - Zyrox9184
32 - maku098
33 - TiltControls
34 - RestlessRoman
35 - jlaweez
Cecilia (Winter) - MrFrostflare
2 - Enshayn
3 - Rammiloh
4 - NotJimRV
5 - snipersaw
6 - abracalulu
7 - MrFail101
8 - UpsideDownTofu
9 - af-fx-tion
10 - Jagoslaw
11 - Fehinaction
12 - TyrekGoldenspear
13 - Papiville
14 - umarekawari
15 - PegaponyPrince
16 - EpicRome23
17 - raike1028
18 - LinkaFlame
19 - chaosangel
20 - TheLukewarmYeti
21 - BattlleTendency
22 - Gamer178
23 - Dominicelel
24 - arisgjaodosd
Cecilia (Bridal) - Blizzardthree
Ced - Sidoking
Ced (Ascended) - Aetherryn
Celica - exxit5408
Celica (Fallen Hero) - CinnamonStarlight
Celica (Brave) - Shark_Jaws
Celica (Legendary) - Belligero_
Celica (Ascended) - Caelholdt
Celica (Emblem) - ukantor
Celine - SupremeShio
Celine (Ninja) - BlazeBloom
Cervantes - TiltControls
Chad - JdiJwa
Charlotte - Danagi95
Charlotte (Bride) - exxit5408
Cherche - ZephyrRC
2 - exxit5408
3 - Krzyforbacon
4 - mindovermacabre
5 - NaoyaMX
6 - klangs
7 - slammysouls
8 - Lachrymosity
9 - jaesuk97
10 - Obapa
11 - victorywaffle
12 - erikd4v3
13 - Cosmofeh
14 - Sorenity_Now
15 - Dracoste
16 - pattaarr
17 - tthompson5
18 - duchessa13
19 - Luis_lara12345
20 - Axicas242
21 - Nohmou
22 - QwirkyQwilfish
23 - minatoapologist
24 - ParadoxWorld
25 - Throwawaymyrisk
26 - crunk_juice34
27 - Erichilles
28 - alcyone_
29 - PerfectlySalty
30 - LucinaTheExalt
31 - Navaldeus
32 - narzibenoucdel
33 - Stargov1
34 - Yoshieatsyourpie
35 - Vroix89
36 - beambitious
37 - fidgetspinnercuck
38 - TomatoFlakes
39 - Arassuil_
40 - alexclow
41 - Da-Joe
42 - ArcanaRobin
43 - beambitious
44 - dyeitblonde
45 - DasRegMan
46 - october_5
47 - GeoDoubleDee
48 - Blurgwurgakree
49 - AnkouDusk
50 - Nightdancer666
51 - Elyctrokaze
52 - kaeporo
53 - TheLeiss
54 - theprodigy64
55 - Dark-C
56 - tamminhvtkg
57 - 0blivionknight
58 - Bane_of_Ruby
59 - SorcererHex
60 - lonelyhoodieguy
61 - minno
62 - neurot0
63 - Fehinaction
64 - LinkaFlame
65 - Legitimate__Username
66 - BattlleTendency
67 - Gamer178
68 - Dacko04
69 - SorcererHex
70 - Tery_
71 - Kaiayos
72 - useless_idiot_man
73 - Zyrox9184
74 - maku098
75 - jlaweez
Cherche (Ninja) - kieku1
Chloe - RestlessRoman
Chrom - exxit5408
2 - feh_noble
3 - lordmuse25
4 - agnx0
5 - Alice_A_C8
6 - itonydelatorre
7 - Klingow
8 - alcyone_
9 - BlackStar300
10 - shirsham
11 - Definitemars
12 - ianyuy
13 - Popcornzz00
14 - MythlessRWF
15 - Trickster_Tricks
15 - delhuillier
16 - Mapy10
17 - falkuda
18 - Yumekaze
19 - Kiloceraptor
20 - RBRN-Zumi
21 - Autumnfire55
22 - Z-tune
23 - Stargov1
24 - myopicfirework
25 - Daze006
26 - XDageon11
27 - AnkouDusk
28 - NephsDeliciousLegs
29 - Dark-C
30 - Swiftwhiskers
31 - L0RDR0B
32 - SaileVonRiegan
33 - andypin2002
34 - scarletflowers
35 - BoomToast
36 - recarmloss
37 - souicune
38 - Legitimate__Username
39 - Pyrozendot
40 - ShadowMLuigi
41 - goldtreebark
42 - Tman2002
43 - CunntyBunny
44 - jdotremy
45 - JdiJwa
46 - Phaaze13
47 - symmphonic
48 - ShadowMario3
49 - maku098
50 - Sprocket3
51 - SoupcanSam
52 - ChromDelonge
Chrom (Spring) - Berk4823
Chrom (Winter) - Alice_Vanguardia
Chrom (Exalt) - Teh2chao2
Chrom (Legendary) - GtheUniverse
Chrom + Robin (M) (Valentine’s) - Tollomer
Chrom (Brave) - Yumekaze
Chrom (Fallen) - BlackStar300
Citrinne - EpicRome23
Clair - exxit5408
3 - DazzyJay
4 - october_5
5 - Hyperblade70
6 - MegaBanettes
7 - crowning_sapphire
8 - kungfugator57
9 - ClickHereToDie
10 - Mapy10
11 - Z-tune
12 - Renphro
13 - darkveeck
14 - theprodigy64
15 - alexclow
16 - RiskehVIII
17 - El_Fonz0
18 - xSuperKamiGuru
19 - Nightdancer666
20 - X-Vidar
21 - BlackwingBoi
22 - MrFail101
23 - Nintentoast
24 - Next-Cause098
25 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
26 - Darkion_Silver
Clarine - Travasty
Clanne (Summer) - Mogekov
Clarisse - Blizzardthree
Claude - LiliTralala
Claude (Brave) - smkqrtz09
Claude (Legendary) - Nintentoast
Claude (Summer) - Caelholdt
Claude (Wind) - Psistriker94
Claude (Winter) - Yumekaze
Clive - roy2king
Colm - BlueBlaze16
Conrad - myopicfirework
Conrad (Valentine’s) - goldenchocobokitty
Constance - Ghotistyx_
Cordelia - SilverMagnum
2 - exxit5408
3 - ZephyrRC
4 - GeneralBluebees
5 - Razorak
6 - falconscreech
7 - mindovermacabre
8 - jaesuk97
9 - mindovermacabre
10 - FriedChickenBoyDSC
11 - Yamis1brother
12 - beambitious
13 - More_Rice_Please
14 - PkPhreak_official
15 - shirsham
16 - DKRF
17 - igfod13
18 - theprodigy64
19 - VoltRizer
20 - TheAlondite
21 - Truth_Bullet
22 - Emm1096
23 - Viktria
24 - LucinaTheExalt
25 - lexibasmati
26 - EduardoLovesMom
27 - -MANGA-
28 - MdoesArt
29 - Hitokage_Tamashi
30 - Puncsaus
31 - Pep794
32 - Trashris
33 - XxTaeYeonxX
34 - AnkouDusk
35 - FearDubh
36 - TemporalAlchemy
37 - Elyctrokaze
38 - Dark-C
39 - Autumnfire55
40 - SharpBFlat
41 - Estebest
42 - Jagoslaw
43 - takolukanow
44 - djb2spirit
45 - NohrianScumbag
46 - Soren319
47 - GoldenYoshistar1
48 - SorcererHex
49 - Valsyar
50 - FullFrontalAnal
51 - swissarmychris
52 - neurot0
53 - alexclow
54 - secret_julius
55 - Turen_
56 - LinkaFlame
57 - BoomToast
58 - DoveCannon
59 - Triials
60 - Ghotistyx_
61 - TinyCatStomper4000
62 - Legitimate__Username
63 - BattlleTendency
64 - zSolaris
65 - jdotremy
66 - TheCaptureX
67 - TheAlondite
68 - Tery_
69 - Arklaine
70 - somerandom421
71 - useless_idiot_man
72 - PrisonerLeet
73 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
74 - HuTaoWow
75 - jlaweez
76 - maku098
77 - ItsIdeka
78 - TiltControls
Cordelia (Bride) - exxit5408
Cordelia (Summer) - dirtysmall
Cordelia + Selena (Fates) (Winter) - Trashris
Cormag - Ryzer28
Cornelia - Mogekov
Corrin (F) - MrNinja1234
2 - exxit5408
3 - Kregar123
4 - mwfendt
5 - Chauzu
6 - bundtcake
7 - Houdsonin
8 - LordShadow8545
9 - jaesuk97
10 - Tagg580
11 - Azvee
12 - solarDerivative
13 - Lesber
14 - Rabbytt
15 - Estimador
16 - TheAlondite
17 - bleh13r
18 - cloudytsuki
19 - PlsWai
20 - Solbango
21 - Epilos303
22 - Baby_Penguin76
23 - KipKippy
24 - PegaponyPrince
25 - ayaansuper
26 - TheDankestDreams
27 - pyoklii
28 - hercules-rockefeller
29 - Latibello
30 - _vinventure
31 - sunsettingnova
32 - Popcornzz00
33 - Renphro
34 - DoveCannon
35 - LucinaTheExalt
36 - goldsbananas
37 - YvveAlmighty
38 - crowning_sapphire
39 - Regnum_Umbra
40 - Pionf
41 - Teafoil
42 - Hitokage_Tamashi
43 - lilyb0n
44 - Kaiayos
45 - Nintentoast
46 - StormAurora
47 - kaeporo
48 - Bio_liquid0
49 - Tollomer
50 - Odrioll
51 - Cuptalk
52 - XDageon11
53 - Pikapals52
54 - Toluthin
55 - Link7609
56 - zedabo
57 - SirHopper
58 - JrHresvelg
59 - Candy_Warlock
60 - Sprocket3
61 - Jagoslaw
62 - jlaweez
63 - GoldenYoshistar1
Corrin (Summer) - Ross2552
Corrin (F Adrift) - General_Zod_
Corrin (F Darkness Within) - Rabbytt
Corrin (F Legendary) - Kami-San
Corrin + Elise (F Ninja) - DoveCannon
Corrin (F Halloween) - Abadchef
Corrin (M) - exxit5408
2 - Leidon94
3 - gweesho
4 - jubjubzx
5 - Chauzu
6 - ParadoxWorld
7 - AlwaysDragons
8 - ATN_PhasPhys
9 - Ashannah
10 - paradisetrain
11 - KerJPL
12 - delhuillier
13 - Loli_Destroyer
14 - LALMtheLegendary
15 - crowning_sapphire
16 - NohrianScumbag
17 - ArcherM0N0
18 - Nyaoka
19 - NougatFromOrbit
20 - TomatoFlakes
21 - Squildo
22 - Zelennya
23 - lilyb0n
24 - EchoCrescent
25 - JdiJwa
26 - Xb-Dashie-dX
27 - StormAurora
28 - Gotta-Snatch-Em-All
29 - The_Anti_Nero
30 - cozmofox222
31 - Solbango
32 - KuronixFirhyx
33 - Slavomirus
34 - BoomToast
35 - pokerapping
36 - sigmawolf87
37 - kiizuro
38 - TheFerydra
39 - Pikapals52
40 - useless_idiot_man
41 - JrHresvelg
42 - ItsIdeka
Corrin (M Adrift) - northwind789
Corrin (M) (New Years) - NougatFromOrbit
Corrin (M) (Dark Burdens) - Rabbytt
Corrin (M) (Ninja) - Gotta-Snatch-Em-All
Corrin (M) (Halloween) - Gotta-Snatch-Em-All
Corrin (F) (Brave) - Random546
Cynthia - PokemonCrazy
Cyril - Pyrozendot
Dagr - Climber_Fuuka
Dagr + Nott (New Year’s) - go4ino
Darros - BlueFlazzer76
Death Knight - EchoCrescent
Dedue - MeraMera27
Dedue (Summer) - maukarov
Deen (Hatari) - howlinghenbane
Deirdre - Exalgar
Deirdre (Legendary) - Phenollam
Delthea - samsationalization
Delthea (Fallen) - DarkJara
2 - xOmegaElectric
3 - crowning_sapphire
4 - thomasawesome55
5 - fidgetspinnercuck
6 - JsKingBoo
7 - xSuperKamiGuru
8 - TerdMuncher
9 - stephenthatfoste
10 - Totsutei
11 - Phanngle
12 - LinkaFlame
13 - zSolaris
14 - Matiasjobeth
15 - Phaaze13
16 - XinchoStellar
17 - Prime604
18 - ShadowMLuigi
19 - DarkSlayer415
20 - 8bitowners
Delthea (Spring) - ShizuDrive
Dheginsea (Halloween) - maorizonator
Dieck - Ninlink
Dimitri - Snowiss
Dimitri (Brave) - Psistriker94
2 - BlackStar3000
3 - KingOfNohr
4 - Gliscens
5 - TiltControls
6 - ShadowMario8
7 - StormAurora
8 - Red_Demons_Dragon
9 - CunntyBunny
10 - justinator119
11 - BattlleTendency
12 - CzarKhasm
13 - Luigifan10
14 - Apprehensive-Tree308
15 - Tman2002
16 - yeeeling
17 - sitta_canadensis
18 - Ryzer28
19 - trionfi
20 - RevolutioFalco
21 - Rowan_18
Dimitri (Legendary) - InfiniteLoop0
Dimitri (Fallen) - Apprehensive-Tree308
Dimitri (Summer) - aiasthegreatest
Dimitri (Winter) - ChaosOsiris
Dithorba - SirRemzy
Donnel - dcho1
2 - HangingSky
3 - Beastofferson
4 - GGB1
5 - ianyuy
6 - MorphFE
7 - SwissCheeseMan
9 - Zomgarn
10 - TheEerieFire
11 - Trickster_Tricks
12 - Krzyforbacon
13 - Enshayn
14 - JammyJammyJams
16 - Ness_Keyhand
17 - Deaddude10
18 - man_in_the_suit
19 - Goomba_Face
20 - _BluePanda__
21 - 0blivionknight
22 - Chauzu
23 - Gotta-Snatch-Em-All
24 - Turen_
25 - oridur
Donnel (Summer) - TinyTiger1234
Dorcas - exxit5408
Dorcas (Halloween) - RiskehVIII
Dorothea - VeryFunnyUsernameLOL
Dorothea (Summer) - Wingcapx
Dorothea + Lene (Plegian) - grassyterrain
Dorothea (Winter) - thedreamchapter
Dorothy - didepasts
Dozla (Halloween) - DumbDozlaDude
Draug - oPlaiD
2 - RoyalAbsoul
3 - jaesuk97
4 - maxdabosss
5 - Defenestrator20
6 - Nova_Rise
7 - red_
8 - theprodigy64
9 - SoupMod
10 - Neuromangoman
11 - Chauzu
12 - IsidoreTheSloth
13 - Squildo
14 - HydraCord
15 - Grade-AMasterpiece
16 - tsuky94
17 - klawehtgod
18 - Dreademption
19 - Nintentoast
20 - merrickhalp
21 - CherryBlossomHero
Duessel - aiasthegreatest
Duma - Rabbytt
Dwyer - Rowan_18
Echidna - Blizzardthree
2 - GeorgeRivera777
3 - TyrekGoldenspear
4 - NohrianScumbag
5 - TiltControls
6 - Totsutei
7 - Climber_Fuuka
8 - Patchoru
9 - YuvonGrohiik
10 - raike1028
11 - Nintentoast
12 - intoxicatedpancakes
13 - PigPen910
14 - Neiooking
15 - Saints_Space
16 - Tanagrow
17 - SorcererHex
18 - BlueBlaze16
19 - Metroplex7
20 - A_Nifty_Person
21 - useless_idiot_man
22 - Thingerfly
23 - Skybeat8
24 - IDontCareByThisPoint
25 - Important_Ad4176
26 - GoldenYoshistar1
Edelgard - iamdarthyoshi
Edelgard (Legendary) - recarmloss
Edelgard (Brave) - The_Anti_Nero
2 - AgentEris
3 - Rafaelraven94
4 - KingOfNohr
5 - Menetone
6 - DoveCannon
7 - Estebest
8 - Random546
9 - theprodigy64
10 - ShadowMLuigi
11 - Ghotistyx_
12 - zSolaris
13 - SonicSpeed0919
14 - dnapol5280
15 - SorcererHex
16 - unaegis
17 - Geomint
18 - Hawkeye437
19 - coolspark20
20 - Meltlilith
21 - SkyWanderer
22 - AJRayquaza
23 - GoldenYoshistar1
24 - ShortJoe
Edelgard (Fallen) - danilkom
Edelgard + Altina (Summer) - ShadowMLuigi
Edelgard (Winter) - ShadowMLuigi
Edward - JdiJwa
Effie - equiNine
2 - exxit5408
3 - o_OReddit
4 - Krebs402
5 - PkPhreak_official
6 - Widme
7 - Eternita2a
8 - lusciouscookies
9 - yabesan
10 - jaesuk97
11 - theprodigy64
12 - CarelessKrow
13 - Bigwickdilly
14 - thanibomb
15 - euphemea
16 - KajiSenpai
17 - RisenLazarus
18 - HammerbroHS
19 - hi15361
20 - Maynguene
21 - october_5
22 - Neuromangoman
23 - appropriant
24 - Deathcommand
25 - IsidoreTheSloth
26 - averagearti
27 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
28 - Squildo
29 - TiltControls
30 - Kenyac
31 - Tebacon
32 - Z-tune
33 - Kevin_Hend
34 - randomtexanyall
35 - sorry97
36 - Yoshieatsyourpie
37 - NohrianScumbag
38 - EchoCrescent
39 - Fehinaction
40 - MajorasKatana
41 - porrmat1421
42 - Metroplex7
43 - Navaldeus
44 - Nazh2206
45 - ThePinkReaper
46 - JdiJwa
47 - Dark-C
48 - merrickhalp
49 - TheLeiss
50 - GoldenYoshistar1
51 - deoxys_101993
52 - MrStreeter
53 - TrueCrime_Nerd
54 - RestlessRoman
Effie (Valentine’s) - MisoSoup247
Eikthyrnir - puku-muku
Eir - Rabbytt
Eir (New Year’s) - MrGengar123
Eirika - WeeboSupremo
2 - equiNine
3 - exxit5408
4 - PkPhreak_official
5 - Razorshadow
6 - Cheungstar
7 - Yamis1brother
8 - KingOfLies
9 - kpnut93
10 - -Kefkah
11 - Sorpality
12 - EXEC_Danny
13 - GzeroF
14 - SageOfStone
15 - JediFerrari
16 - Laex_OW
17 - FDFlowrite
18 - Gnarfledarf
19 - Bercoot
20 - bilalss
21 - tl_cs
22 - CriticalAstra
23 - Ukenagashi
24 - shirsham
25 - alcyone_
26 - Quixilver5
27 - shadowyoshi64
28 - _vinventure
29 - Truth_Bullet
30 - MagusNight
31 - sunsettingnova
32 - CallenAmakuni
33 - Chariztioise
34 - Grade-AMasterpiece
35 - Leidon94
36 - fidgetspinnercuck
37 - Soren319
38 - Mapy10
39 - ktn124
40 - Z-tune
41 - Hitokage_Tamashi
42 - Xysticion
43 - Vroix89
44 - roguemischief
45 - WinterWolf18
46 - dyeitblonde
47 - NightmareShane
48 - raike1028
49 - Teafoil
50 - TheFerydra
51 - samatoa
52 - AegisLC
53 - Da-Joe
54 - secret_julius
55 - TheFinestDoggo
56 - SuperSnivMatt
57 - BlackjackLeggo
58 - Nightdancer666
59 - Dark-C
60 - af-fx-tion
61 - Bored5437
62- X-pert74
63 - icydragon0605
64 - Pyrozendot
65 - justinator119
66 - ShiningEmblem
67 - Phanngle
68 - RedStar133
69 - LinkaFlame
70 - RoseCelebi
71 - Dalewyn
72 - jcp365
73 - TinyCatStomper4000
74 - Legitimate__Username
75 - Gamer178
76 - SolokOriginel
77 - Zigoon
78 - Saints_Space
79 - Hydrolucario7
80 - IzHaz
81 - Thehalohedgehog
82 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
83 - Caelholdt
84 - Tery_
85 - Moosewheat
86 - aunnnnnnnnnn
87 - jlaweez
88 - MeraArasaki
89 - FellMarie
Eirika (Sacred Memories) - iamdarthyoshi
Eirika (Legendary) - dirtysmall
Eirika (Winter) - dirtysmall
Eirika + Ephraim (Young) - AbyssiHu
Eirika (Brave) - EpicSquids
Eirika (Summer) - ckAr0n
Eirika (Attuned) - Soren319
Eitr - effieluvr
Eitri - Paiguy7
Eldigan - Lucille_FE
Eldigan (Soiree) - Z-tune
Eleonora - Diligent_Slacker
Elice - JdiJwa
Elimine - JdiJwa
Elincia - exxit5408
2 - PkPhreak_official
3 - meteorboard
4 - Reploid_
5 - Kranox7656
6 - ZephyrRC
7 - jaesuk97
8 - limegreenleaves
9 - MasaneVIII
10 - RisenLazarus
11 - Kenyac
12 - theprodigy64
13 - Trickster_Tricks
14 - BlackjackLeggo
15 - Camping_Noob
16 - EpicRome23
17 - Papiville
18 - RoseCelebi
19 - MajorasKatana
Elincia (Festival in Hoshido) - dirtysmall
Elincia (Summer) - Pyrozendot
Elincia (Ascended) - EpicRome23
Elincia (Legendary) - EpicRome23
Elise - exxit5408
Elise (Summer) - Hokiras
Elise + Sakura (Valentine’s) - phoenixfudge
Eliwood - Faithhandler
2 - oPlaiD
3 - Apollyl
4 - Daruuki
5 - VudooKingdom
6 - CZDurandal
7 - Sainou
8 - CyborgShakespeare
9 - Pootisburd44
10 - alcyone_
11 - Geomint
12 - CanadianNoobGuy
13 - shrubs311
14 - archlire
15 - TheFailedExperiment
16 - IsidoreTheSloth
17 - esm8m
18 - Bone1969
19 - abros_vii
20 - SuperSnivMatt
21 - recarmloss
23 - thomasawesome55
24 - Swiftwhiskers
25 - Phenollam
26 - SharpBFlat
27 - L0RDR0B
28 - Taichikins
29 - Newt921
30 - Rammiloh
31 - The_Anti_Nero
32 - TyrantCarnivore
33 - Papiville
34 - minno
35 - Metroplex7
36 - LaiLiPing
37 - Phanngle
38 - kit_you_out
39 - dyeitblonde
40 - BoomToast
41 - DoveCannon
42 - justinator119
43 - SuitandTyrogue1
44 - Darth-Not-Palpatine
45 - Ghotistyx_
46 - VeemotheeThe2nd
47 - TheLeiss
48 - Nintentoast
49 - ValiantDuran
50 - TinyCatStomper4000
51 - helioview
52 - EggHiraeth
53 - souicune
54 - Gamer178
56 - IzHaz
57 - Tanagrow
58 - TheCaptureX
59 - Bored5437
60 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
61 - mindthetimes
62 - Tery_
63 - PrisonerLeet
64 - ArmyTurtles
65 - peababyy
66 - TiltControls
67 - symmphonic
68 - maku098
69 - ListlessSoul
70 - Blazeing2
71 - Beard-Loving-Gamer
72 - FellMarie
Eliwood (Love Abounds) - go4ino
Eliwood (Brave) - Phenollam
Eliwood (Legendary) - Phenollam
Eliwood (Young) - Dievold
Elm (New Year’s) - ShiningSolarSword
Embla - reckless–serenade
Emmeryn - PagePyralis
Ena (Halloween) - stephenthatfoste
Ephraim - equiNine
Ephraim (Legendary) - PM_ME_YOUR_WHALE
Ephraim (Brave) - The_Fire_King
Ephraim (Winter) - Demestro
Ephraim + Lyon - Belligero_
Ephraim (Summer) - Katerpu
Eremiya - Camping_Noob
Erinys - Xuanwu7
Erk - Trinomew
Est - Doesnty
2 - exxit5408
3 - Kranox7656
4 - Zranzax
5 - jaesuk97
6 - Thaija2
7 - slammysouls
8 - Meltlilith
9 - Definitemars
10 - Adkhi
11 - Ngara_
12 - Ditogalaxy
13 - mLarkson
14 - perepipe8
15 - crunk_juice34
16 - Chauzu
17 - thomasawesome55
18 - TheLeiss
19 - theprodigy64
20 - Geeene
21 - 0blivionknight
22 - Metroplex7
23 - SorcererHex
24 - neurot0
25 - LaiLiPing
26 - LinkaFlame
27 - MelHuney
28 - JdiJwa
30 - LittleIslander
31 - sephiroth682000
32 - Tery_
Est (Spring) - Basaqu
Est (Valentian) - Basaqu
Ethlyn - Skyliner14
Ethlyn (Soiree) - Jagoslaw
Etie - sephiroth682000
Eyvel - Kaiayos
Fae - DazzyJay
2 - exxit5408
3 - TrueSuffering
4 - MaskedDevil
5 - Respecs
6 - NucleoPyro
7 - jaesuk97
8 - KnoxZone
9 - Am3692
10 - Zachabo53
11 - Bajuko
12 - erikd4v3
13 - JediFerrari
14 - SwissCheeseMan
15 - yingxuchan
16 - nuavre
17 - xPr0phet
18 - Lainon
19 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
20 - pagingdrchau
21 - davivanator
22 - 0APresses
23 - Pep794
24 - neokombat
25 - euphemea
26 - lyndis11
27 - crunk_juice34
28 - RisenLazarus
29 - battle0tortoise
30 - Chauzu
31 - shirsham
32 - sorry97
33 - RokuroKun
34 - FaeMain
35 - roc69x
36 - Maplemage
37 - IsidoreTheSloth
38 - souicune
39 - chrome_flamingo
40 - BenNegify
41 - Kenyac
42 - Caty409
43 - Kevin_Hend
44 - Illumina25
45 - rashy05
46 - Grover_Steveland
47 - Totsutei
48 - SuddenJami
49 - -TheFoolishJester
50 - -MANGA-
51 - HystericalTrend
52 - Da-Joe
53 - PegaponyPrince
54 - Demoyon
55 - Ksma92
56 - XxTaeYeonxX
57 - xSuperKamiGuru
58 - Estebest
59 - MrFail101
60 - kaeporo
61 - JdiJwa
62 - DoveCannon
63 - Nintentoast
64 - TheLukewarmYeti
65 - YoungsterCalvin319
66 - Pyrozendot
67 - NohrianScumbag
68 - kiizuro
69 - UltraZoraman
70 - Darjun_Ding
71 - Phaaze13
72 - LeoLion989
73 - Grade-AMasterpiece
74 - coolspark20
75 - MisoSoup247
76 - TheLeiss
77 - ItsIdeka
Fae (Winter) - Rabbytt
Fae (Legendary) - JdiJwa
Fafnir (New Year’s) - Valaura-
Farina - Tosutei
Faye - OminousGray
Faye (Valentine’s) - Belligero_
Fee - TheOldWestern
Felicia - o_OReddit
2 - exxit5408
3 - Merukurio
4 - Determination7
5 - sothendo
6 - Igston2571
7 - wjsean
8 - ThunderFang3
9 - Scopedoge
10 - CommanderAbsol
11 - Daggervk
12 - Joshuanb
13 - RiskyFrisky-
14 - i_r_Society
15 - KingOTheDead
16 - Gnarfledarf
17 - Acepower1000
18 - YvveAlmighty
19 - NGsShadow
20 - Rakaro
21 - PokemonCrazy
22 - Grade-AMasterpiece
23 - Neon-Bjorn
24 - PartyChocobo
25 - palutuna
26 - SirBanners
27 - zSolaris
28 - StraightFlush172
29 - furiablancag
30 - NintendoMasterNo1
31 - Kevin_Hend
32 - Stargov1
33 - ProfessionalSquid
34 - GeorgeRivera777
35 - DarkJara
36 - Trashris
37 - Sasiyaki
38 - Dracomaster3
39 - Nazh2206
40 - Elyctrokaze
41 - NougatFromOrbit
42 - lunchbane
43 - COLFO
44 - Bane_of_Ruby
45 - RestlessRoman
46 - 9s_stan
47 - GeorgeRivera777
48 - jblissey
49 - DaveDGaitan
50 - kit_you_out
51 - UltraZoraman
52 - lizardsbelike
53 - CzarKhasm
54 - peababyy
55 - Caty409
Felicia (Picnic) - saiyanhikari
Felicia (Ice) - Nepta
Felix -
Felix (Winter) - Nineve
Felix (Brave) - sephiroth682000
Ferdinand - TiniestManatee
Ferdinand (Teatime) - spiritbu
Fernand - Tollomer
Finn - MegaEspeon
Fiora - abracalulu
Fiora (Summer) - abracalulu
Fir - Axelnomad1
2 - Sanglay
3 - Falcomster
4 - Lachrymosity
5 - bleh13r
6 - ChibiWondeR
7 - plastictir2
8 - digdugchamp
9 - bleh13r
10 - tsumugizzle
11 - Everest_
12 - yankeeDota
13 - xSuperKamiGuru
14 - Totsutei
15 - Tayro117
16 - KulalalaDiemond
17 - HystericalTrend
18 - DrBiggusDiccus
19 - Yumekaze
20 - mcoyne12
21 - FairyMMM
22 - IneptCircle6
23 - Misaka-chan
24 - SirBanners
25 - Ghotistyx_
26 - abros_vii
27 - El_Fonz0
28 - BlazeBloom
29 - Dalewyn
Fir (Spring) - Taichikins
Fir (Ascended) - RZL2000
Fjorm - Kregar123
2 - Clockwork_Giant
3 - exxit5408
4 - GzeroF
5 - plastictir2
6 - oxio
7 - PkPhreak_official
8 - uminokakesu
9 - Lachrymosity
10 - Solbango
11 - Caty409
12 - JdiJwa
13 - AbyssiHu
14 - LaiLiPing
15 - Tollomer
16 - BoomToast
17 - theprodigy64
18 - MrMedicinal
19 - Mr-Moonlight-
20 - SirHopper
21 - HuTaoWow
22 - YoshaTime
Fjorm (New Years) - Teh2chao2
Fjorm (Bride) - AbyssiHu
Fjorm (Ascended) - AbyssiHu
Fjorm (Summer) - AbyssiHu
Flame Emperor - KujoQtaro
2 - ATOMIC_1000
3 - theprodigy64
4 - 9s_stan
5 - Haydos823
6 - secret_julius
7 - Fehinaction
8 - GoldenYoshistar1
9 - SuperSnivMatt
10 - KaiDoesStuff
11 - Bored5437
12 - BattlleTendency
13 - SolokOriginel
14 - Neiooking
15 - SorcererHex
16 - Green_Uncle
17 - Phenollam
18 - Starspeedrunner
19 - jlaweez
Flavia (Bridal) - RestlessRoman
Flayn - MisoSoup247
Flayn (Halloween) - Antliaelacaille
Flora - EpicSquids
Flora (Picnic) - zSolaris
Flora (Ice) - Nepta
Florina - dcho1
Florina (Ascended) - LanceConstableDigby
Fogado - verdant-winds
Fomortiis - Jagoslaw
Forrest - NohrianScumbag
Forsyth - MetaTriforce
Framme (Spring) - FrozenHelmet
Frederick - oPlaiD
2 - sol-kitti
3 - ChromatoSalad
4 - Nukatha
5 - rickcpl
6 - Aelium_
7 - jaesuk97
8 - cassadyamore
9 - Tee_Gee
10 - MegaBanettes
11 - FanaticMarioMan
12 - Auxarch
13 - birdinabag
14 - ZXLucario
15 - PokemonCrazy
16 - Oliviaisbestgirl
17 - Dark-C
18 - MythlessRWF
19 - kaeporo
20 - tsuky94
21 - merrickhalp
22 - Alice_A_C8
23 - Suspect_Dogs
24 - SaileVonRiegan
25 - Shinguyi
26 - Legitimate__Username
27 - SirHopper
28 - TheSuperDodo
29 - RestlessRoman
30 - SoupcanSam
Frederick (Summer) - Patypus
Frederick (Young) - Sprocket3
Freyja - LinkaFlame
Freyja (Summer) - Random546
Freyr (Summer) - Dream-Queen-Lilith
Fuga (Wind) - EclipseRemedy
Gaius - Eirikafeh
Gaius (Summer) - Antartix
Galle - jlaweez
Galzus - Slurpuffilicious
Ganglot - Lemurhart
Gangrel - BoomToast
Garon - morokoro
Gatekeeper (Brave) - sekashok
Geese (Pirate) - JdiJwa
Genny - ahiro46
Genny (Picnic) - shoyooo
Gerik - dyeitblonde
Gerome - Nineve
Gharnef - BlackStar300
Gilliam - Arlockin
Glen - Blizzardthree
Gonzalez - Important_Ad4176
Gordin - SH1NJ1
Gotoh - sephiroth682000
Gray - Sadistice
Gregor - RestlessRoman
Greil (Greil’s Devoted) - minatoapologist
Guinivere - Camping_Noob
Gullveig (Brave) - Ryzer28
Gullveig + Seidr (Summer) - sephiroth682000
Gunnthra - exxit5408
Gunnthra (New Years) - iamdarthyoshi
Gunnthra (Summer) - iamdarthyoshi
Gunter - Aka2ora
Gustav (Valentine’s) - Sol-Guardian
Gustav (Fallen) - Sol-Guardian
Guy - ViranWynd
Gwendolyn - adamroxton
2 - exxit5408
3 - kyune
4 - jaesuk97
5 - CMobarley
6 - RandomDR
7 - Gevlafer
8 - Diamondshreddie
9 - theprodigy64
10 - PkPhreak_official
11 - McdMaint5
12 - SteelfireX
13 - xPr0phet
14 - abros_vii
15 - COLFO
16 - Chauzu
17 - CMobarley
18 - minno
19 - FairyMMM
20 - roc69x
21 - euphemea
22 - LittleIslander
23 - TheCatsTail
24 - PegaponyPrince
25 - BlackjackLeggo
26 - Nintentoast
27 - recarmloss
28 - TheLeiss
29 - JdiJwa
30 - TyrekGoldenspear
31 - Ant1ng
32 - LaiLiPing
33 - Zerimar_
34 - Totsutei
35 - Phaaze13
36 - mindthetimes
Haar - Nazh2206
Haar (Ninja) - Robby_luigi
Hana - DNewWin
2 - ragnellx
3 - Toluthin
4 - OscarCapac
5 - Catonic_Rose
6 - zhaoway
7 - Galledonium
8 - BlueToon_Link
9 - Xechwill
10 - xPr0phet
11 - CMobarley
12 - FairyMMM
13 - SuchIsASamuraiSkill
14 - Ditogalaxy
15 - Tosa-ken
16 - Misaka-chan
17 - Shakeweight_All-Star
18 - saukgon
19 - Hitokage_Tamashi
20 - TomatoFlakes
21 - Skybeat8
22 - Nazh2206
23 - Pit_Solitaryh
24 - JsKingBoo
25 - djb2spirit
26 - Dark-C
27 - Patchoru
28 - kit_you_out
29 - PegaponyPrince
30 - MelHuney
31 - theprodigy64
32 - CherryBlossomHero
Hana (Ninja) - Cloudyspecs
2 - Metroplex7
3 - theprodigy64
4 - ShadowMario8
5 - Zerosiz
6 - TheLeiss
7 - Icy_Wolf
8 - Papiville
9 - helioview
10 - EggHiraeth
11 - zSolaris
12 - tamminhvtkg
13 - SonicSpeed0919
14 - MelHuney
15 - CherryBlossomHero
16 - 8bitowners
17 - Luigifan10
18 - Toluthin
19 - Hitokage_Tamashi
20 - _Hati_05
21 - deoxys_101993
23 - BlazeBloom
24 - stephenthatfoste
25 - Tery_
26 - Whirlwhind
27 - Patchoru
28 - Pit_Solitayrh
29 - AJRayquaza
30 - GoldenYoshistar1
Hana (Valentine’s) - kuuderederedere
Hans - CzarKhasm
Hapi - ShadowMLuigi
Hardin (Fallen Hero) - Teh2chao2
Harken - JdiJwa
Hawkeye - Symphawnics
Hawkeye (Nabata) - EclipseRemedy
Heath - chiropterakee
Heath (Ninja) - souicune
Heather (Ninja) - Heather4CYL
Hector - equiNine
Hector (Love Abounds) - Nyhmsical
Hector (Legendary) - euphemea
Hector (Brave) - WholeLottaThangs
Hector + Lilina (Halloween) - yulanan
Hector (Young) - WRECK-IT-MUNDO
Heidr - TheSymbioticLunala
Hel - Joshuaxe7
Helbindi - HeavenlySeraph
Helbindi (Summer) - Gotta-Snatch-Em-All
Henriette (Valentine’s) - wishiwu
Henry - Littlerz
2 - sealfeathers
3 - Non_Causa_Pro_Causa
4 - DesertFokxtrot
5 - Trashbird-chan
6 - Chariztioise
7 - Trigourd
8 - shirsham
9 - Symphawnics
10 - FullFrontalAnal
11 - FairyMMM
12 - AureusVulpes292
13 - Flingar
14 - Neiooking
15 - kit_you_out
16 - Skybeat8
17 - januseven
18 - Moosewheat
19 - peababyy
20 - Rowan_18
Henry (Halloween) - exxit5408
Henry (Spring) - MagnificentHastings
Hestia - RestlessRoman
Hilda (3H) - ptolemy77
Hilda (3H) (Winter) - Tollomer
2 - zSolaris
3 - ShadowMLuigi
4 - Estebest
5 - Ghotistyx_
6 - stephenthatfoste
7 - NohrianScumbag
8 - justinator119
9 - Waifu4Laifu
10 - reilie
11 - Slurpuffilicious
12 - jdotremy
13 - king-lizard87
14 - SolokOriginel
15 - Neiooking
16 - lizardsbelike
17 - Caelholdt
18 - Geomint
19 - y_th0ugh
20 - mars_lowell_72
21 - ZipperQR
22 - Caty409
23 - RestlessRoman
Hilda (3H) + Marianne (Summer) - dahliamoonflowers
Hilda (3H) (Ascended) - ReesePeanut
Hilda (Thracia) - Blizzardthree
Hinata - lazygreenfox
Hinata (Groom) - takolukanow
Hinoka - exxit5408
Hinoka (WF) - Birdfort
Hinoka (Hostile Springs) - LucinaTheExalt
Hinoka + Camilla (Pirate) - RestlessRoman
Hinoka (Legendary) - LanceConstableDigby
Holst - SolokOriginel
Hrid - DNEaye
Hrid (New Year’s) - iamdarthyoshi
Hrid (Summer) - seastarcrossing
Hubert - yulanan
Hugh - Joey21101
Iago - Blizzardthree
Idunn - Sivarro
Idunn + Fae (Spring) - Rabbytt
Idunn (Ascended) - BreakfastMint
Ignatz (Winter) - TiniestManatee
Igrene - messFEH
Igrene (Ninja) - JdiJwa
Ike - samsationalization
Ike (Brave) - PkPhreak_official
2 - exxit5408
3 - zingaman88
4 - Kranox7656
5 - jaesuk97
6 - AzNx7
7 - Salamact
8 - RisenLazarus
9 - brent917
10 - Glaciaire
11 - Z-tune
12 - TheAlondite
13 - TomatoFlakes
14 - Da-Joe
15 - BlackjackLeggo
16 - MetaTriforce
17 - SuddenJami
18 - Nasch-3
19 - 0blivionknight
20 - Flareblitz12
21 - minno
22 - xOiram_
23 - Faithispower
24 - af-fx-tion
25 - 98Ms_
26 - dryomi_23
27 - Nintentoast
28 - RoseCelebi
29 - CunntyBunny
30 - TiltControls
31 - Pyrozendot
32 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
33 - coolspark20
34 - Moosewheat
35 - Daisyleaf6
36 - RestlessRoman
37 - SkyWanderer
38 - LordIkeVegeta
Ike (Legendary) - Sadistice
2 - mauvus
4 - zingaman88
5 - gh0sti
6 - doanutfactoryx
8 - TiltControls
9 - HeeHokun
10 - cwhkaira
11 - Omniwhatever
12 - YuvonGrohiik
13 - man_in_the_suit
14 - Da-Joe
15 - LigmaBallsack
16 - raike1028
17 - BlackjackLeggo
18 - ajabe
19 - 0blivionKnight
20 - Illumina25
21 - howlinghenbane
22 - secondvoyager
23 - Moosewheat
24 - LordIkeVegeta
Ike (Greil’s Devoted) - Sadistice
Ike (Fallen) - 0blivionknight
Ike + Mist (Young) - Caelholdt
Ilyana - CptnHandsome
2 - The_Big_ID
3 - dyeitblonde
4 - Totsutei
5 - Nintentoast
6 - YuvonGrohiik
7 - Tery_
8 - Navaldeus
9 - jdotremy
10 - _Hati_05
11 - shadecrimson
12 - SorcererHex
13 - Kn0XIS
14 - VeemotheeThe2nd
15 - BlazeBloom
16 - SuddenJami
17 - Caty409
18 - Toluthin
19 - Ozkrd
20 - Pit_Solitayrh
21 - TiltControls
22 - ShadowMLuigi
Ilyana (Halloween) - ZeroCalorieMSG
Ilyana (Child) - ZeroCalroieMSG
Ingrid - StormAurora
Ingrid (Summer) - Fusion_Fear
Inigo - ChaosOsiris
Inigo (Performing) - PkPhreak_official
Innes - exxit5408
Innes (Summer) - iLoveShiro_1
Innes (Young) - TiltControls
Ishtar - october_5
Ishtar (Soiree) - ptolemy77
Ishtar (Ascended) - zSolaris
Itsuki - IRSkyclaw
2 - TerdMuncher
3 - expaja
4 - GrotesqueHumanity
5 - 1breadstick
6 - GeorgeRivera777
7 - Autumnfire55
8 - Phanngle
9 - Dalewyn
10 - Katerpu
11 - Niqkel
12 - Red_Demons_Dragon
13 - jdotremy
14 - ScythXGaming
15 - Tanagrow
16 - useless_idiot_man
17 - Yumekaze
18 - Ausitan
19 - Starspeedrunner
20 - Whirlwhind
21 - iloveh—–
22 - BlazeBloom\
23 - solussss
Ivy - Secretsword229
Ivy (Summer) - kieku1
Jaffar - KatDaddy021
Jaffar (Winter) - SuddenJami
Jagen - Makaioshin
Jakob - grunedesu
Jakob (Halloween) - exxit5408
Jamke - JdiJwa
Jarod - Totsutei
Jeorge - Kintuse
2 - exxit5408
3 - InvdrZim13
4 - crusher063
5 - jinriah
6 - Solbango
7 - jinriah
8 - battle0tortoise
9 - Jorvus88
10 - bnm333
11 - go4ino
12 - JdiJwa
13 - takolukanow
14 - Tollomer
15 - InfiniteLoop0
16 - Gigadrillbreak32
17 - Pep794
18 - TankyMage
19 - CherryBlossomHero
20 - Alternative-Draft-82
21 - RoseCelebi
22 - mindthetimes
Jeralt - PunkRockCapitalist
Jill - AlbinosRideDinos
Jorge - Patchoru
Joshua - AudhulmaBoy
Joshua (Summer) - JdiJwa
Joshua (Ascended) - AudhulmaBoy
Julia - PkPhreak_official
2 - exxit5408
3 - Autumnalis-Rosea
4 - Razorshadow
5 - Quoqoph
6 - -Kefkah
7 - jaesuk97
8 - hinode85
9 - CMobarley
10 - Grade-AMasterpiece
11 - aeoluz_99
12 - PagePyralis
13 - samsationalization
14 - NephsDeliciousLegs
15 - MisogID
16 - Pyrozendot
17 - ssbmelee99
18 - BenNegify
19 - Hitokage_Tamashi
20 - kevace
Julia (Legendary) - ihsafeway
Julia (Fallen) - jdotremy
Julius - El_Fonz0
2 - crowning_sapphire
3 - Imagination_crashed
4 - fidgetspinnercuck
5 - Teafoil
6 - souicune
7 - thomasawesome55
8 - Bang-a-Bonk
9 - LoptousTheEmperor
10 - SharpBFlat
11 - Alice_A_C8
12 - Totsutei
13 - FullFrontalAnal
14 - TinyCatStomper4000
15 - Saints_Space
16 - SorcererHex
17 - Kaiayos
18 - KujoQtaro
19 - DatGomez
20 - Jagoslaw
21 - Moosewheat
22 - JdiJwa
23 - sitta_canadensis
24 - CharaFanGirl
25 - NightmareShane
26 - Katerpu
27 - TheOldWestern
Juno (Bridal) - Galevayu05
Kaden - Kadensan
Kaden (New Year’s) - CuteFloofyFox
Kagero - exxit5408
2 - Kranox7656
3 - -Kefkah
4 - Eternita2a
5 - jaesuk97
6 - Ganadote
7 - 17Master
8 - koolaidman412
9 - Cecilyn
10 - Lancer873
11 - Regnum_Umbra
12 - Candy_Warlock
13 - Kenyac
14 - Z-tune
15 - LucinaTheExalt
16 - Triials
17 - Drapsag
18 - Totsutei
19 - Pep794
20 - Non_Causa_Pro_Causa
21 - MegaBanettes
22 - Skybeat8
23 - Dracomaster3
24 - BlazeBloom
25 - Ryzer28
26 - lunchbane
27 - oplaxgoalie2
28 - FullFrontalAnal
29 - thomasawesome55
30 - Geeene
31 - merrickhalp
32 - TerdMuncher
33 - Jagoslaw
34 - Dark-C
35 - RestlessRoman
36 - Turen_
37 - RoseCelebi
38 - af-fx-tion
39 - BobbyYukitsuki
40 - LittleIslander
41 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
42 - Hitokage_Tamashi
43 - SorcererHex
44 - Red_Demons_Dragon
45 - deoxys_101993
46 - Grade-AMasterpiece
47 - Tery_
48 - MrStreeter
49 - useless_idiot_man
50 - jlaweez
51 - TheLeiss
52 - GoldenYoshistar1
Kagero (Hares at the Fair) - Afrogdite
Kagero (Halloween) - FutaRaka
Kagetsu - Moosewheat
Kamui - JdiJwa
Kana (F) - jubjubzx
Kana (M) - sanseb429
Kana (M) (New Year’s) - montblanc__
Kana (F) (New Year’s) - ShadowMLuigi
Karel - exxit5408
Karin - CorporalDarkness
Karla - iamdarthyoshi
Karla (Hatari) - ShizuDrive
Karla + Freyja (Spring) - RestlessRoman
Katarina - exxit5408
Katarina (Plegian) - MoonyCallisto
Kaze - dotyawning
2 - Nirwyn
3 - Stalkos
4 - ianyuy
5 - Viktria
6 - Trickster_Tricks
7 - angryM0M
8 - IonicFlux
9 - MegaBanettes
10 - Yurio-
11 - alphthedeer
12 - SuperSnivMatt
13 - StormAurora
14 - go4ino
15 - Pronche
16 - Odrioll
17 - WoomyX1000
18 - Bastion0435
19 - 1breadstick
20 - Katerpu
21 - Skybeat8
22 - Icy_Wolf
23 - shipperondeck
24 - OMGOSHlol
25 - RevolutioFalco
26 - SonicSpeed0919
27 - Yumekaze
28 - DatGomez
Keaton - Kaleochu
Keaton (New Year’s) - SiilentCry
Kellam (Halloween) - trucidee
Kempf - darkdogdemon
2 - Supergupo
3 - citrus363
4 - Aromantic_Benzene
5 - JdiJwa
6 - EpicRome23
7 - FairyMMM
8 - Zerimar_
9 - Ghotistyx_
10 - MrMudaMuda
11 - Emperor_Polybius
12 - sigmawolf87
13 - kit_you_out
14 - PigPen910
15 - Neiooking
16 - Hydrolucario7
17 - keyver-C
18 - Totsutei
19 - Jagoslaw
20 - Phenollam
21 - BlueBlaze16
22 - Phaaze13
23 - TheOldWestern
Kent - JdiJwa
Kiragi - BigBaraTitts
Kiria - Belligero_
Klein - 24914
2 - dyeitblonde
3 - CapeDeath
4 - jaesuk97
5 - LeMazing
6 - LVsApawn
7 - uminokakesu
8 - dessanyan
9 - Latibello
10 - JdiJwa
11 - Youbiseiharukana
12 - alcyone_
13 - souicune
14 - Faustenberger
15 - YuvonGrohiik
16 - Pit_Solitayrh
17 - TheFerydra
18 - BlackjackLeggo
19 - Mosmumo
20 - darkveeck
21 - PegaponyPrince
22 - merrickhalp
23 - MelHuney
24 - 1breadstick
25 - Totsutei
26 - BlazeBloom
27 - NightmareShane
28 - Cosmic_Toad_
29 - LinkaFlame
30 - kit_you_out
31 - narzibenoucdel
32 - william_orange
33 - Neiooking
34 - MystyM
35 - Toluthin
36 - Mercuricalis
37 - Grade-AMasterpiece
38 - GoldenYoshistar1
Kliff - BlueIsForPlayers
Knoll - kieku1
Kris (M) - Nyaoka
Kris (M) (Plegian) - TheFerydra
Kris (F) - Slurpuffilicious
Kronya - Blizzardthree
2 - Metroplex7
3 - GeoDoubleDee
4 - Estebest
5 - DarkSlayer415
6 - RestlessRoman
7 - GoldenYoshistar1
8 - cozmofox222
9 - L0RDR0B
10 - 1breadstick
11 - EpicRome23
12 - NightmareShane
13 - DoveCannon
14 - mcoyne12
15 - TheTerraDragon
16 - intoxicatedpancakes
17 - BattlleTendency
18 - UltraZoraman
19 - Phaaze13
20 - bronzeblade
21 - Kiryu5009
22 - useless_idiot_man
23 - Phenollam
24 - Starspeedrunner
25 - Illumina25
26 - maku098
27 - Jagoslaw
Kurthnaga (Halloween) - dahliamoonflowers
Kyza (New Year’s) - SuddenJami
L’Arachel - Eirikafeh
2 - Galastan
3 - JennyDoombringer
4 - juniorthib
5 - FDFlowrite
6 - TetrusAO
7 - LycopolisKing
8 - BumbaBee
9 - Grade-AMasterpiece
10 - AppaTheBizon
11 - Torvus88
12 - iLoveShiro_1
13 - ChirpingBread
14 - DeterminedWarr
15 - BenNegify
16 - OneTrueBanana
17 - SwissCheeseMan
18 - zSolaris
19 - Drapsag
20 - Navaldeus
21 - Totsutei
22 - adolebit
23 - Erebosio
24 -Levyathyn
25 - dyeitblonde
26 - Blurgawurgakree
27 - october_5
28 - PagePyralis
29 - GeoDoubleDee
30 - raike1028
31 - SuperSnivMatt
32 - BlackjackLeggo
33 - Nintentoast
34 - Fusion_Fear
35 - donnylwil
36 - OminousGray
37 - Geeene
38 - Skyliner14
39 - darkveeck
40 - Patchoru
41 - 9s_stan
42 - MelHuney
43 - EpicRome23
44 - RoseCelebi
45 - theprodigy64
46 - Saints_Space
47 - MystyM
48 - BreakfastMint
49 - shipperondeck
50 - Hydrolucario7
51 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
52 - Mercuricalis
53 - Tery_
54 - sitta_canadensis
55 - Lumendyne
56 - IDontCareByThisPoint
57 - kieku1
58 - Blazeing2
L’Arachel (Halloween) - PagePyralis
L’Arachel (Young) - kieku1
L’Arachel (Summer) - kieku1
Lachesis - PolyArmored
2 - exxit5408
3 - CinnamonStarlight
4 - Toadinator2000
5 - ShanoaSSB
6 - siroxorsid
7 - Lucille_FE
9 - igfod13
10 - AsunonIndigo
11 - minatoapologist
12 - Yoshieatsyourpie
13 - OneTrueBanana
14 - MagusNight
15 - zSolaris
16 - alexclow
17 - El_Fonz0
18 - SuperSnivMatt
19 - MythlessRWF
20 - Phanngle
21 - Fehinaction
22 - RoseCelebi
23 - MelHuney
24 - deoxys_101993
25 - Mercuricalis
26 - MystyM
27 - Jagoslaw
Lachesis (Soiree) - Rabbytt
Laegjarn - SentoriGunnah7046
Laegjarn (New Year’s) - Teh2chao2
Laegjarn (Summer) - Kami-San
Laegjarn (Ascended) - Kuraran
Laegjarn + Fjorm (Ninja) - AbyssiHu
Laevatein - SentoriGunnah7046
Laevatein (New Years) - dejvy
Laevatein (Summer) - HeavenlySeraph
Laevatein (Ninja) - HeavenlySeraph
Lapis - lordb0rf
Lara - Random546
Larcei - TheKboos
Larcei (Scion) - LordDMoney
Larum - SoM_best_keyblade
Larum (Bridal) - SoM_best_keyblade
Laslow - SebaProh
2 - Kitty-Heronthorn
3 - Aerija
4 - Direbolt
5 - Lukey140701
6 - RazedIncome
7 - Lemurhart
8 - lxkirby
9 - Doesnty
10 - Nineve
11 - LiliTralala
12 - AbsurdistDream
13 - Squildo
14 - Gold_Crocodile
15 - alexclow
16 - RiskehVIII
17 - Neiooking
18 - icydragon0605
19 - Slavomirus
20 - NightmareShane
21 - Nintentoast
22 - reilie
23 - Pope_Penguin
24 - minTi_kitTi
25 - Tery_
26 - mindthetimes
27 - dimayeon
Leanne - Rabbytt
Legault - chiropterakee
Legion - hiimlykos
Leif - october_5
Leif (Legendary) - yulanan
Leif + Seliph (Scion) - shipperondeck
Leila - zoolan
Lena - Aromantic_Benzene
Lene - Jazzswipe
Leo - exxit5408
Leo (Summer) - PolyArmored
Leo (Picnic) - _Ritsu
Leo (Valentine’s) - kuuderederedere
Leonardo - JdiJwa
Leon - dcho1
Leonie (Summer) - IDontCareByThisPoint
Lethe - Climber_Fuuka
Lethe (New Year’s) - Rabbytt
Lethe (Halloween) - LyreConnoisseur
Lewyn - devil-may-die
Lewyn (Scion) - goldtreebark
Lex - Skybeat8
Libra - LarkNL
2 - alphthedeer
3 - SuddenJami
4 - TiltControls
5 - chuggiedynasty
6 - Nintentoast
7 - kaeporo
8 - Pronche
9 - merrickhalp
10 - Soireal
11 - Grade-AMasterpiece
12 - takolukanow
13 - Swiftwhiskers
14 - MidnightLime
15 - SorcererHex
16 - 1breadstick
17 - BoomToast
18 - Bored5437
19 - CzarKhasm
20 - SorcererHex
21 - blushingmains
22 - Moosewheat
23 - RoseCelebi
Lif - chiropterakee
Lif + Thrasir (Valentine’s) - PM_ME_LEGIT_ANYTHING
Lif (Rearmed) - CHAAAAAAAAAN
Lifis (Pirate) - Pf9877
Lilina - SpeedyHawk
2 - exxit5408
3 - jmh_reborn
4 - jaesuk97
5 - october_5
6 - byZionn
7 - Nyphus
8 - KipKippy
9 - PegaponyPrince
10 - DelightfulNoble
11 - kungfugator57
12 - Z-tune
13 - Pionf
14 - Volttexx
15 - BlazeBloom
17 - Totsutei
18 - TheCatsTail
19 - porrmat1421
20 - NightmareShane
21 - FaZeR_PT
22 - SirBanners
23 - snipersaw
24 - dyeitblonde
25 - jkim1124
26 - fjorm_book_ii
27 - XxTaeYeonxX
28 - Pyrozendot
29 - xSuperKamiGuru
30 - OneSpicyBoyy
31 - vermillion_wolf
32 - Elyctrokaze
33 - zSolaris
34 - newlyrottenquiche
35 - TerdMuncher
36 - Newt921
37 - djb2spirit
38 - TyrekGoldenspear
39 - Patchoru
40 - TankyMage
41 - minno
42 - EpicRome23
43 - Turen_
44 - LinkaFlame
45 - DoveCannon
46 - Dalewyn
47 - abros_vii
48 - narzibenoucdel
49 - MelHuney
50 - theprodigy64
51 - NohrianScumbag
52 - Papiville
53 - maxblade33
54 - af-fx-tion
55 - Zigoon
56 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
57 - A_Nifty_Person
58 - jlaweez
59 - Tanagrow
60 - LeoLion989
61 - Tery_
62 - Yumekaze
63 - Moosewheat
64 - Link7609
65 - Caty409
66 - Ozkrd
67 - maku098
68 - RoseCelebi
69 - Asmont
Lilina (Love Abounds) - ajg0214
Lilina (Legendary) - NohrianScumbag
Lilina (Bridal) - Phenollam
Lilith - Rabbytt
Lilith (Fallen) - Rorik92
Limstella - FangJustice
Linde - equiNine
Linde (Summer) - dirtysmall
Linhardt - TheFerydra
Linhardt (Spring) - Totsutei
Linus - IsidoreTheSloth
Linus (Fallen) - FangJustice
Lissa - MegaBanettes
Lissa (Winter) - Styxiedust
Lissa (Valentine’s) - ShadowMLuigi
Lissa (Young) - ShadowMLuigi
Lloyd - Xysticion
Lloyd (Fallen) - Totsutei
Loki - iLoveShiro_1
Loki (Spring) - FaceShrine
Lon’qu - Gokotsu
2 - Colmx
3 - Trickster_Tricks
4 - Aaronwebber9
5 - Empirica
6 - YoItzTiff
7 - BlackTrainer01
8 - SovietKnowHow
9 - Kaleochu
10 - forblaze653
11 - bowserboy129
12 - UpsideDownTofu
13 - MasterLillyclaw
14 - n_kaze_
15 - kevinandhobbes
16 - GastlyGala
17 - Phanngle
18 - RoseCelebi
19 - YoungsterCalvin319
20 - Moosewheat
21 - Ringanel
22 - Swiftwhiskers
23 - Sprocket3
24 - Tery_
Lorenz (Summer) - A_Nifty_Person
Louise (Bride) - iMisreadThePost
Lucia - chaosangel
Lucia (Yukata) - This_0ne_Person
Lucina - WeeboSupremo
2 - equiNine
3 - exxit5408
4 - MisogID
5 - Haleyrin
6 - Joltian3
7 - jaesuk97
8 - GoldGoomba
9 - Exalted_Lucina
10 - D3monicUnicorn
12 - Fusion_Fear
13 - TSmasher1000
14 - Camping_Noob
15 - Average-00
16 - NohrianScumbag
17 - Menetone
18 - ssbmelee99
19 - NohrianScumbag
20 - Nintentoast
21 - Hitokage_Tamashi
22 - jdotremy
23 - october_5
24 - MrStreeter
25 - somerandom421
26 - coolspark20
27 - ShadowMario3
Lucina (Spring) - ZephyrRC
Lucina (Brave) - PlatinumCirculation
2 - exxit5408
3 - PkPhreak_official
4 - Finix22565
5 - Exalted_Lucina
6 - klangs
7 - jaesuk97
8 - D3monicUnicorn
9 - october_5
10 - shirsham
11 - XDageon11
12 - 80ajniNsuoicipsuS
13 - raike1028
14 - BlackjackLeggo
16 - TSmasher1000
17 - Swiftwhiskers
18 - DonaldMick
19 - Nasch-3
20 - Hitokage_Tamashi
21 - PigPen910
22 - BenNegify
23 - ChernoRose
24 - RestlessRoman
25 - Jagoslaw
Lucina (Legendary) - shirsham
Lucina (Valentine’s) - jdotremy
Lucius - Gulassa
Lucius (Young) - SolokOriginel
Ludveck - Ybernando
Lugh - JdiJwa
Lukas - mnctrejo
2 - exxit5408
3 - tototogu
4 - Smoke1LL
5 - Sonrio
6 - JDW3
7 - Prisceel
8 - PkPhreak_official
9 - chandler631
10 - OminousGray
11 - birdwithbrow
12 - battle0tortoise
13 - TheFerydra
14 - Aaronwebber9
15 - Thunderkidd
16 - ZXLucario
17 - crowning_sapphire
18 - NintendoMasterNo1
19 - Squildo
20 - Z-tune
21 - Project__Z
22 - narzibenoucdel
23 - Tilted180Degrees
24 - Bang-a-Bonk
25 - roguemischief
26 - BlazeBoom
27 - YuvonGrohiik
28 - snipersaw
29 - dyeitblonde
30 - mcoyne12
31 - Dracomaster3
32 - Nightdancer666
33 - vectorgram353
34 - SuitandTyrogue1
35 - nikyb2
36 - Fehinaction
37 - Pu22leKing
38 - Jojojomoo35
39 - TheLukewarmYeti
40 - a_crystal_mun
41 - JdiJwa
42 - howlinghenbane
43 - Patchoru
44 - Stateyourname0
Lukas (Picnic) - PapiJonty
Luke - eat_your_veggies
Lumera - Red_Demons_Dragon
2 - zedabo
3 - TiltControls
4 - Mr-Lostcause
5 - NightmareShane
6 - Humanity789
7 - NohrianScumbag
8 - ScythXGaming
9 - BlueBlaze16
10 - Lemonzest974
11 - rainbowsnivy
12 - BlazeBloom
13 - 101perry
14 - DarkSlayer415
15 - jlaweez
16 - Navaldeus
17 - Mogekov
18 - RestlessRoman
19 - AshaTelethia
20 - GoldenYoshistar1
Lute - exxit5408
Lute (Summer) - Ryzer28
Luthier - Registered_Unregi
Luthier (Spring) - Yoshieatsyourpie
Lyn - exxit5408
Lyn (Bride) - exxit5408
Lyn (Brave) - Stratigizer
Lyn (Love Abounds) - Stratigizer
Lyn (Legendary) - moon_plays
Lyn (Summer) - thunderunited16
Lyn + Florina (Ninja) - EggHiraeth
Lyn (Flame) - porcaro0395
Lyon - Alaguesia
Lyon (Fallen) - Andantina
Lyon (Young) - Ryzer28
Lyon (Summer) - Trinomew
Lyon + Eirika (Valentine’s) - _vinventure
Lyre (New Year’s) - Totsutei
Lysithea - YukikazeNJ
Lysithea (Brave) - Blizzardthree
Lysithea + Lute (Winter) - BlueToon_Link
Lysithea (Teatime) - ShadowMLuigi
Mae - exxit5408
2 - TomatoFlakes
3 - Hitokage_Tamashi
4 - srs_business
5 - MagusNight
6 - shirsham
7 - Fusion_Fear
8 - sskirito
9 - Marocksas
10 - Big_moist_231
11 - Z-tune
12 - Bang-a-Bonk
13 - roguemischief
14 - theprodigy64
15 - chickensalter
16 - Odrioll
17 - Geeene
18 - Bio_liquid0
19 - y_th0ugh
20 - Totsutei
21 - ZipperQR
22 - maukarov
23 - Katerpu
Malice - RestlessRoman
Mamori - JdiJwa
Manuela (Winter) - AbyssiHu
Marcia - Illumina25
Mareeta - Lainon
Mareeta (Fallen) - mylonas5
Mareeta (Ascended) - Kaiayos
Maria - exxit5408
Maria (Spring) - LycopolisKing
Marianne - DarkRose27
Marianne (Brave) - ItsBeyondMe
Maribelle - MDonkay
Marisa - Kuraran
2 - zSolaris
3 - Friezkiel
4 - Shakeweight_All-Star
5 - PartyChocobo
6 - Diammentrodon
7 - Sasiyaki
8 - Blurgawurgakree
9 - 101perry
10 - IronCatFish
11 - s07195
12 - Phaaze13
13 - Nintentoast
14 - Luis_lara12345
15 - king-lizard87
16 - SuperSnivMatt
17 - IzHaz
18 - TaihousTaihou
19 - deoxys_101993
20 - grassyterrain
21 - Kaiayos
22 - mindthetimes
23 - Moosewheat
24 - Blazeing2
25 - PhoenixPlot
Marisa (Spring) - Thrasir37
Marni - Mogekov
Marth - JiggaJazz
2 - exxit5408
3 - Chariztioise
4 - plastictir2
5 - PegaponyPrince
6 - crusher063
7 - forevergusta
8 - csbeckstrand
9 - NotGamerzRDDT
10 - itonydelatorre
11 - TheProphet375
12 - -MANGA-
13 - KirbyIsPink
14 - Mintz_Meat
15 - sorry97
16 - QwirkyQwilfish
17 - minatoapologist
18 - djb2spirit
19 - minno
20 - hercules-rockefeller
21 - Climber_Fuuka
22 - Donut_Monkey
23 - hoistthesword
24 - Minealternateaccount
25 - Liquidrocks
27 - jolanz5
28 - Sainou
29 - bowserboy129
30 - Neuromangoman
31 - Large-Leader
32 - kowaidesuka
33 - Z-tune
34 - sardines93
35 - SharpBFlat
36 - crunk_juice34
37 - Galastan
38 - Yoshieatsyourpie
39 - Bargotz
40 - TemporalAlchemy
41 - exAdun
42 - YvveAlmighty
43 - FlamezofDeath
44 - Silent-Frost
45 - Nyaoka
46 - ManuelKoegler
47 - fork_the_world
48 - SuddenJami
49 - SirRemzy
50 - vectorgram353
51 - Sasiyaki
52 - Demoyon
53 - XxTaeYeonxX
54 - Kaiayos
55 - FullFrontalAnal
56 - Elyctrokaze
57 - Grade-AMasterpiece
58 - MidnightLime
59 - SaileVonRiegan
60 - ssbmelee99
61 - LinkaFlame
62 - YoungsterCalvin319
63 - Neiooking
64 - A_Nifty_Person
65 - RoseCelebi
66 - Tery_
67 - mindthetimes
68 - Moosewheat
69 - Katerpu
70 - symmphonic
71 - GoldenYoshistar1
Marth (Legendary) - IamShakes
Marth (Masked) - Daze006
3 - euphemea
4 - Qu1kS1lv
5 - roc69x
6 - thesushi33
7 - Skyliner14
8 - Autumnfire55
9 - Dbapkero
10 - Z-tune
11 - LucinaTheExalt
12 - deoxys_101993
13 - Deaddude10
14 - ArcherM0N0
15 - theprodigy64
16 - stephenthatfoste
17 - Enshayn
18 - TomatoFlakes
19 - Arassuil_
20 - BlueCosmos42
21 - DarkJara
22 - D3monicUnicorn
23 - ATOMIC_1000
24 - DarkSlayer415
25 - ThePinkReaper
26 - MythlessRWF
27 - Fusion_Fear
28 - Skybeat8
29 - TSmasher1000
30 - SharpBFlat
31 - Noxa_4
32 - NohrianScumbag
33 - Fehinaction
34 - SorcererHex
35 - L0RDR0B
36 - Ant1ng
37 - Haydos823
38 - LinkaFlame
39 - BoomToast
40 - Dalewyn
41 - recarmloss
42 - Shinguyi
43 - af-fx-tion
44 - SorcererHex
45 - Moosewheat
46 - Link7609
47 - maku098
48 - Sprocket3
49 - trucidee
Marth (Groom) - vectorgram353
Marth + Elice (Winter) - NeonS4
Marth (Young) - Taichikins
2 - InfiniteLoop0
3 - TheFerydra
4 - ShittyDeviantArtOCs
5 - djb2spirit
6 - Dark-C
7 - NougatFromOrbit
8 - Gotta-Snatch-Em-All
9 - SuddenJami
10 - MidnightLime
11 - minno
12 - Ant1ng
13 - Phanngle
14 - 9s_stan
15 - Faithispower
16 - justinator119
17 - ShadowMLuigi
18 - jcp365
19 - Nintentoast
20 - Slurpuffilicious
21 - BenNegify
22 - MrStreeter
23 - MelHuney
24 - A_Nifty_Person
25 - PrisonerLeet
26 - ThePinkReaper
27 - NLiLox
28 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
29 - AJRayquazza
30 - PhoenixPlot
Marth (Brave) - FryingIceCream
Marth (Emblem) - mk3jjj
Mathilda - exxit5408
Matthew - Dunyeah
2 - NovelistOrange
3 - GodsPenisHasGravity
4 - CinnamonStarlight
5 - OurEmblem
6 - dyeitblonde
7 - Rivonus
8 - yunsul
9 - pklpikachu
10 - archlire
11 - Telbow77
12 - Faustenberger
13 - SuperSnivMatt
14 - Bang-a-Bonk
15 - Kuina
16 - wat-dha-fak
17 - minno
18 - Menetone
19 - TheLeiss
20 - TheFerydra
21 - CherryBlossomHero
22 - mindthetimes
Matthis - MisoSoup247
Mauvier - ShadowMLuigi
Medeus - Slurpuffilicious
Melady - JdiJwa
Mercedes - Fusion_Fear
2 - PokemonJaiden
3 - DarkLinkOW
4 - dyeitblonde
5 - SuperSnivMatt
6 - MelHuney
7 - DoveCannon
8 - RoseCelebi
9 - Swible
10 - FullFrontalAnal
11 - Zerimar_
12 - Nintentoast
13 - Icy_Wolf
14 - EpicRome23
15 - StormAurora
16 - RestlessRoman
17 - Slurpuffilicious
18 - helioview
19 - EggHiraeth
20 - wishiwu
21 - Hydrolucario7
22 - KnifeToMeetYou_
23 - Calipup
24 - Caelholdt
25 - Tery_
26 - useless_idiot_man
27 - Patchoru
28 - SirHopper
Mercedes (Summer) - dahliamoonflowers
Merlinus - Pf9877
Merric - exxit5408
Merric (Young) - GlassOtter
Mia - Lonignus
Mia (Halloween) - YorozuyaTrio
Mia + Marth (Summer) - Paiguy7
Mia (Young) - Moosewheat
Micaiah - iamdarthyoshi
2 - jaesuk97
3 - RicGGG
4 - slammysouls
5 - YorozuyaTrio
6 - PkPhreak_official
7 - thanibomb
8 - theprodigy64
9 - october_5
10 - Spice_Latte
11 - shadowyoshi64
12 - _Vair_
13 - raike1028
14 - coolspark20
15 - SkyWanderer
16 - samsationalization
17 - Icelerate
18 - Pyrozendot
19 - Bored5437
20 - TheAlondite
21 - aqexpredator
22 - StormAurora
Micaiah (Festival in Hoshido) - dirtysmall
Micaiah (Brave) - Xysticon
Micaiah + Sothe (Bridal) - 98Ms_
Micaiah (Legendary) - icydragon0605
Micaiah (Summer) - Pyrozendot
Michalis - ptolemy77
Michalis (Spring) - Ringanel
Mikoto - n_kaze_
Mila - Kami-San
Minerva - equiNine
Minerva (Young) - ptolemy77
Minerva (Spring) - RestlessRoman
Miranda - chaosangel
Mirabilis - Slurpuffilicious
Mirabilis (Winter) - FestiveOverture
Mirabilis (Spring) - Blizzardthree
Miriel - RotomGuy
Mist - YorozuyaTrio
Mist (Greil’s Devoted) - YorozuyaTrio
Monica - Tai_Saito
Mordecai - Rabbytt
Mordecai (Flame) - Whirlwhind
Morgan (F) - Jazzswipe
Morgan (M) - polisdweller
2 - Kookoo22
3 - nyxduplex
4 - tsuky94
5 - cloud_fluff
6 - VodkaRamen
7 - pokedude14
8 - AnonymousTrollLloyd
9 - CrystalAether
10 - paradisetrain
11 - SuddenJami
12 - OmegaSamurai24241
13 - BlazeBloom
14 - ZXLucario
15 - xOmegaElectric
16 - BlackjackLeggo
17 - FearDubh
18 - StormAurora
19 - Fusion_Fear
20 - Aromantic_Benzene
21 - Geeene
22 - recarmloss
23 - WoomyX1000
24 - Takiyakioverheaven
25 - 1breadstick
26 - Autumnfire55
27 - Phanngle
28 - BoomToast
29 - RoseCelebi
30 - Darth-Not-Palpatine
31 - TiltControls
32 - Legitimate__Username
33 - pokerapping
34 - ShadowMLuigi
35 - Ghotistyx_
36 - MelHuney
37 - scarletflowers
38 - Neiooking
39 - UltraZoraman
40 - goldtreebark
41 - feffany
42 - IzHaz
43 - Merukurio
44 - bl_ckmar
45 - aqexpredator
46 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
47 - chiheerio
48 - Whirlwhind
49 - ShadowMario3
50 - Sprocket3
51 - CzarKhasm
52 - Rowan_18
53 - Beard-Loving-Gamer
54 - FellMarie
Morgan (F) (Fallen) - jdotremy
Morgan (M) (Fallen) - IchKannDasN1cht
Mozu - PokehunterX141
Muarim (Fallen) - howlinghenbane
Murdock - Blizzardthree
Muspell - HeavenlySeraph
Muspell (Flame) - HeavenlySeraph
Mustafa - Tollomer
Myrrh - platinummemer
2 - CodyisLucky
3 - Rabbytt
4 - Shark_Jaws
5 - shuyn0123
6 - mindovermacabre
7 - TrueSuffering
8 - Myrrhges
9 - RisenLazarus
10 - BHawksFan01
11 - iLoveShiro_1
12 - redalert3907
13 - euphemea
14 - doanutfactoryx
15 - minno
16 - Falchion_Punch
17 - Splarghy
18 - NougatFromOrbit
19 - Squildo
20 - af-fx-tion
21 - XxTaeYeonxX
22 - xSuperKamiGuru
23 - Kindish
24 - Nyphus
25 - samsationalization
26 - 0blivionKnight
27 - MisogID
28 - SoleilMain
29 - neurot0
30 - NautilusMain
31 - FairyMMM
32 - BobbyYukitsuki
33 - BenNegify
34 - BreakfastMint
35 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
36 - coolspark20
37 - SirHopper
Myrrh (Halloween) - dirtysmall
Myrrh + Nah (Spring) - Splarghy
Myrrh (Legendary) - Splarghy
Naesala - IRSkyclaw
2 - SuddenJami
3 - 7Azvd
4 - Taichikins
5 - Vair
6 - Daze006
7 - 28064212000
8 - kaeporo
9 - MetaTriforce
10 - Neiooking
11 - expaja
12 - YuvonGrohiik
13 - L0RDR0B
14 - Lathel
15 - LinkaFlame
16 - sigmawolf87
17 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
18 - TiltControls
19 - LeoLion989
20 - SirHopper
21 - Caelholdt
22 - AJRayquaza
23 - Ryzer28
Naesala (Pirate) - Lathel
Naga - Rabbytt
Naga (Halloween) - Dillmoses
Nagi - Rabbytt
Nah - Rabbytt
Nailah - Climber_Fuuka
Nailah (Hatari) - RestlessRoman
Nanna - Canatee
2 - Pep794
3 - Loe151
4 - PagePyralis
5 - BlackjackLeggo
6 - albsbabe
7 - Fusion_Fear
8 - OminousGray
9 - L0RDR0B
10 - DurgenTheFirst
11 - souicune
12 - 0blivionknight
13 - Rammiloh
14 - YuvonGrohiik
15 - AggravatedTowel
16 - EggHiraeth
17 - MystyM
18 - Hydrolucario7
19 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
20 - 8bitowners
21 - CrystalAether
Nanna (Scion) - mcoyne12
Nanna (Legendary) - Kyrroti
Narcian - dlnarshen
Narcian (Spring) - Taralyn
Natasha - kieku1
Navarre - TomatoFlakes
Navarre (Ninja) - PhoenixPlot
Neimi - JdiJwa
Nel (Bridal) - UnheardSugar607
Nemesis - TiltControls
Nephenee - slammysouls
Nephenee (Soiree) - Chowdahhh
Nergal - BlackStar300
Nerthuz - RZL2000
Nidhoggr - HeavenlySeraph
Nifl (Summer) - Denkou331
Niles - gweesho
2 - cleardrake
3 - ZutZutt’s friend
4 - weilipan1234
5 - cookiepartier
6 - gweesho
7 - WarEagle9
8 - ChocolaChao
9 - MrSleepyhead32
10 - bokgwai6
11 - Squildo
12 - TemporalAlchemy
13 - Trowa001
14 - JdiJwa
15 - Erebosio
16 - MegaBanettes
17 - lilyb0n
18 - ATOMIC_1000
20 - go4ino
21 - BlackwingBoi
22 - SuddenJami
23 - souicune
24 - sanseb429
25 - Hydrolucario7
26 - Merukurio
Niles (Halloween) - Megatempo
Nils - Rabbytt
Nils (Halloween) - Dexiriev
Nils (Ice) - Mogekov
Nina - KorabanVII
Ninian - ayoung1996
Ninian (Bridal) - penguinzrock
Ninian (Fallen) - verasvanir
Ninian (Legendary) - Calamarinara
Nino - WeeboSupremo
2 - exxit5408
3 - pri_izumi
4 - arctia
5 - Justicetom
6 - perfectchaos83
7 - TerdMuncher
8 - Cheungstar
9 - Dunjunmstr
10 - Exalted_Cloud
11 - Chauzu
12 - metroidcomposite
13 - Frochtejohgurt
14 - shadowyoshi64
15 - Datpanda1999
16 - hcw731
17 - jaesuk97
18 - CarelessKrow
19 - RubyPlz
20 - uglypoop
21 - xerxies19
22 - theprodigy64
23 - YggdraYurilArtwaltz
24 - Silesse
25 - Chronoterminus
26 - PartyChocobo
27 - Darjun_Ding
28 - Minealternateaccount
29 - arctic746
30 - Diskmaster
31 - SkettiSkele
32 - YoukaiFromAccounting
33 - RednSoulless
34 - itsthecatbus
35 - fujibayashi
36 - Hitokage_Tamashi
37 - StraightFlush172
38 - LasermasterA
39 - Lesber
40 - MirrorBlink
41 - bubbyrules1
42 - Enshayn
43 - Ry0v
44 - Rizae_
45 - 127294
46 - Quixilver5
47 - HauntingPoi
48 - ATN_PhasPhys
49 - xSuperKamiGuru
50 - Totsutei
51 - baconhwang
52 - Truth_Bullet
53 - TheFerydra
54 - pklpikachu
55 - lighttwo
56 - Pep794
57 - Pionf
58 - SkyWanderer
59 - EduardoLovesMom
60 - LaiLiPing
61 - ArcherM0N0
62 - Skybeat8
63 - Taichikins
64 - samatoa
65 - AegisLC
66 - Da-Joe
67 - DarkJara
68 - fjorm_book_ii
69 - OrangeCatapult20
70 - TiltControls
71 - Nazh2206
72 - SamManiac1998
73 - Aromantic_Benzene
74 - MrFail101
75 - zSolaris
76 - JsKingBoo
77 - L0RDR0B
78 - Geeene
79 - af-fx-tion
80 - Bored5437
81 - Metroplex7
82 - Ant1ng
83 - EpicRome23
84 - Turen_
85 - LinkaFlame
86 - mcoyne12
87 - ShadowNightmare1312
88 - kit_you_out
89 - Dalewyn
90 - TinyCatStomper4000
91 - BattlleTendency
92 - NohrianScumbag
93 - Eclahn
94 - UltraZoraman
95 - Zigoon
96 - Tanagrow
97 - SorcererHex
98 - TheCaptureX
99 - deoxys_101993
100 - Yumekaze
101 - Slurpuffilicious
102 - Moosewheat
103 - TrueCrime_Nerd
104 - FordFB67
105 - Rowan_18
Nino (SF) - rowcla
Nino (Winter) - FordFB67
Nino (Khadein) - FordFB67
Nino (Attuned) - Totsutei
Noah - Totsutei
Noire (Summer) - october_5
Noire (Ninja) - Ryzer28
Norne - ShiningSolarSword
2 - Pit_Solitayrh
3 - kieku1
4 - VitorMariani
5 - NougatFromOrbit
6 - Valsyar
7 - JdiJwa
8- Totsutei
9 - selhelm
10 - stephenthatfoste
11 - 9s_stan
12 - SuperSnivMatt
13 - DoveCannon
14 - HystericalTrend
15 - af-fx-tion
16 - BlazeBloom
17 - Nintentoast
18 - souicune
19 - helioview
20 - EggHiraeth
21 - Navaldeus
22 - zSolaris
23 - tamminhvtkg
24 - BreakfastMint
25 - 8bitowners
26 - Phaaze13
27 - SorcererHex
28 - TheCaptureX
29 - BlueBlaze16
30 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
31 - aqexpredator
32 - Tery_
33 - PegaponyPrince
34 - Pyrozendot
35 - TheLeiss
36 - CzarKhasm
37 - RottenCaterpillar
Norne (Summer) - souicune
Nott - NohrianScumbag
Nowi - equiNine
2 - exxit5408
3 - ZephyrRC
4 - Ryu_Yuki
5 - chrisp_
6 - Am3692
7 - TrueSuffering
8 - MaskedDevil
9 - pagingdrchau
10 - ss977
11 - soulskourer
12 - Strawberrycocoa
13 - alstod
14 - Widme
15 - thtomatoes
16 - jaesuk97
17 - CodyisLucky
18 - Ganadote
19 - SovietKnowHow
20 - Exalted_Cloud
21 - DeBobbi
22 - Ense20
23 - GoldGoomba
24 - davivanator
25 - lecorbak
26 - Skybeat8
27 - -Ropeburn-
28 - bowserboy129
29 - RisenLazarus
30 - narcissisticShepard
31 - PkPhreak_official
32 - MirrorBlink
33 - Frochtejohgurt
34 - Bigwickdilly
35 - Squildo
36 - Minealternateaccount
37 - MiLiBi_
38 - Pootisburd44
39 - Axicas242
40 - CuteFloofyFox
41 - minno
42 - FairyMMM
43 - Quixilver5
44 - SSKM32
45 - Maplemage
46 - redalert3907
47 - Truth_Bullet
48 - euphemea
49 - Shredjeep5
50 - PottedPlantMan7
51 - FlamezofDeath
52 - PrisXiro
53 - Skyliner14
54 - JediFerrari
55 - sorry97
56 - Pionf
57 - lexibasmati
58 - Darjun_Ding
59 - RedandBlack1987
61 - Misaka-chan
62 - LaiLiPing
63 - Regnum_Umbra
64 - fork_the_world
65 - NougatFromOrbit
66 - Hitokage_Tamashi
67 - Jagoslaw
68 - Da-Joe
69 - Phenollam
70 - zGlunkus
71 - Sasiyaki
72 - Demoyon
73 - wyvernouss
74 - 127294
75 - XxTaeYeonxX
76 - xSuperKamiGuru
77 - Kindish
78 - Elyctrokaze
79 - samsationalization
80 - kaeporo
81 - MrFail101
82 - TerdMuncher
83 - Rabbytt
84 - The_Anti_Nero
85 - Ant1ng
86 - Phanngle
87 - LinkaFlame
88 - Triials
89 - NohrianScumbag
90 - recarmloss
91 - YoungsterCalvin319
92 - BattlleTendency
93 - dryomi_23
94 - AleSDT95
95 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
96 - LeoLion989
97 - useless_idiot_man
98 - ThePinkReaper
99 - SuddenJami
100 - PandaRetarded
101 - Rowan_18
Nowi (Halloween) - exxit5408
Nyna - albsbabe
Nyx - GhoulishYoshi
Oboro - TomatoFlakes
2 - Rhasta_la_vista
3 - ShinzoFTW
4 - stephenthatfoste
5 - IndyGray
6 - The_Jizzrobot
7 - SkyBeat8
8 - Lachrymosity
9 - Xemiza
10 - MidnightLime
11 - Trigourd
12 - Grade-AMasterpiece
13 - Eclahn
14 - Estebest
15 - lunchbane
16 - FearDubh
17 - theprodigy64
18 - 9s_stan
19 - Totsutei
20 - EpicRome23
21 - BoomToast
22 - kirby2rosy
Oboro (Bridal) - TomatoFlakes
Odin - DaddiOdin
2 - MegaBanettes
3 - Symphawnics
4 - PapiJonty
5 - ChocolaChao
7 - tenderoblivion
8 - Pussylicker69420
9 - Nara567
10 - OurEmblem
11 - Enshayn
12 - Papiville
13 - VonToppington
14 - VayneMan
15 - AchingBlood0623
16 - Squildo
17 - SuorGenoveffa
18 - y_th0ugh
19 - dyeitblonde
20 - Xb-Dashie-dX
21 - SoleilMain
22 - Paytron12qw
23 - GoldMoon0
24 - dryomi_23
25 - Merukurio
26 - mindthetimes
Ogier - BlazeBloom
Ogma - exxit5408
Ogma (Summer) - JdiJwa
Oliver - Pumplard
Olivia - FordFB67
2 - exxit5408
3 - halfstache0
4 - Chauzu
5 - Kintuse
6 - jaesuk97
7 - Galgrave
8 - theprodigy64
9 - slammysouls
10 - Tagg580
11 - iamfull
12 - Edelwood
13 - Speedanomoly
14 - ExclusiveGamer
15 - roc69x
16 - Aerija
17 - LucinaTheExalt
18 - randomtexanyall
19 - toastyarts
20 - Tollomer
21 - igfod13
22 - MrFail101
23 - saukgon
24 - Kaiayos
25 - zSolaris
26 - Neiooking
27 - Swiftwhiskers
28 - Awesome_Alan4ever
29 - minno
30 - Ant1ng
31 - swissarmychris
32 - LaiLiPing
33 - BoomToast
34 - Nintentoast
35 - ValiantDuran
36 - Legitimate__Username
37 - Pikapals52
38 - SirHopper
39 - deoxys_101993
40 - Mitsun
41 - Navaldeus
42 - TheLeiss
Olivia (Performing) - exxit5408
Olivia (Ylissean Travelers) - dirtysmall
Olivia (Summer) - Mitsun
Olwen - lusciouscookies
Olwen (WoT) - dirtysmall
Ophelia - BBDN
Ophelia (Rearmed) - Humanity789
Orochi - Slurpuffilicious
Orson - BobbyYukitsuki
Oscar - slammysouls
Osian - Xuanwu7
Owain - AchingBlood0623
Owain (Valentine’s) - mindthetimes
Palla - 17Master
2 - exxit5408
3 - ZephyrRC
4 - Sant72
5 - Kranox7656
6 - Krzyforbacon
7 - Exalted_Cloud
8 - NaoyaMX
9 - Wil_Stormchaser
10 - OneTrueBanana
11 - Chandelure_K
12 - -Ropeburn-
13 - tthompson5
14 - IceKouri
15 - Nightingay
16 - Leibni_Ark
17 - Adkhi
18 - october_5
20 - kataarn
21 - prince_cor
22 - phopandafan
23 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
24 - ptolemy77
25 - EduardoLovesMom
26 - Daisocks
27 - MidnightLime
28 - SorcererHex
29 - neurot0
30 - FairyMMM
31 - Nintentoast
32 - Pikapals52
33 - peababyy
34 - Toluthin
36 - Tery_
Palla (Spring) - prince_cor
Palla + Catria & Est (Young) - WindFyrePhx
Palla (Valentian) - jdotremy
Panette - JabPerson
Panne - HystericalTrend
Panne (New Year’s) - RestlessRoman
Patty - BlazeBloom
Pelleas - Illumina25
Pent - Aetherryn
Peony - Rabbytt
Peony + Triandra (New Year’s) - dahliamoonflowers
Perceval - TankyMage
Peri - dcho1
Perne - waga_hai
Petra - mewtwoniteX
Petrine - Blizzardthree
2 - Triials
3 - NohrianScumbag
4 - narzibenoucdel
5 - EpicRome23
6 - Climber_Fuuka
7 - SuddenJami
8 - 98Ms_
9 - ValiantDuran
10 - edgy_thing
11 - Neiooking
12 - Project__Z
13 - RestlessRoman
14 - FullFrontalAnal
15 - Red_Demons_Dragon
16 - Anoratex
17 - SorcererHex
18 - Robby_luigi
19 - maku098
20 - Tery_
Phila - JdiJwa
Phina - Rabbytt
Plumeria - Rabbytt
Plumeria (New Year’s) - jdotremy
Priscilla - Stratigizer
2 - exxit5408
3 - jaesuk97
4 - MojitoSuave
5 - Loe151
6 - Naqulma
7 - Toluthin
8 - Jerorin
9 - zSolaris
10 - Lachrymosity
11 - Xysticion
12 - dyeitblonde
13 - Non_Causa_Pro_Causa
14 - Meltlilith
15 - Illumina25
16 - vectorgram353
17 - mcoyne12
18 - X-pert74
19 - NougatFromOrbit
20 - baeda2
21 - Zerosiz
22 - TheLukewarmYeti
23 - HellaHotLancelot
24 - souicune
25 - mindthetimes
26 - TheJGohShow
Python - Ellie_0_o
2 - Daveguy11
3 - alexclow
4 - JdiJwa
5 - Triials
6 - ukantor
7 - narzibenoucdel
8 - pokerapping
9 - ATOMIC_1000
10 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
11 - Arklaine
12 - BlazeBloom
13 - ShadowMLuigi
14 - BenNegify
15 - Katerpu
16 - CharaFanGirl
17 - Robby_luigi
18 - TrueCrime_Nerd
19 - RoseCelebi
20 - DucklingCore
Quan - Xuanwu7
Quan (Soiree) - JdiJwa
Raphael (Plegian) - JdiJwa
Rafiel (Groom) - Lathel
Raigh - JdiJwa
Ranulf - arqeic
Rath - thunderunited16
Raven - exxit5408
2 - Gokotsu
3 - JdiJwa
4 - Galgrave
5 - Shleppel
6 - Flethan
7 - quinquesemita
8 - euphemea
9 - TrueSuffering
10 - bilalss
11 - hercules-rockefeller
12 - Trickster_Tricks
13 - IsidoreTheSloth
14 - sorry97
15 - BlazeBloom
16 - kowaidesuka
17 - Mayan-Ryan
18 - Latibello
19 - Truth_Bullet
20 - VonToppington
21 - crunk_juice34
22 - archlire
23 - StraightFlush172
24 - ZXLucario
25 - enderstorm3
26 - JediFerrari
27 - Nyaoka
28 - alcyone_
29 - Totsutei
30 - abros_vii
31 - Pep794
32 - YuvonGrohiik
33 - TomatoFlakes
34 - Bone1969
35 - ThePinkReaper
36 - Geeene
37 - SharpBFlat
38 - maxdaboss
39 - MahkWebbahMulti21
40 - X-pert74
41 - Rammiloh
42 - Faithispower
43 - sisaac_nouise
44 - ValiantDuran
45 - YoungsterCalvin319
46 - Slurpuffilicious
47 - Toluthin
48 - LeoLion989
49 - Green_Uncle
50 - DurgenTheFirst
51 - Tery_
52 - qifar78
53 - Jagoslaw
54 - AJRayquaza
Rebecca - dcho1
Rebecca (Young) - Meltlilith
Reginn - Rabbytt
Reginn (Aided) - HeavenlySeraph
Reina (Ninja) - MisoSoup247
Reinhardt - ayoung1996
2 - exxit5408
3 - eclogia
4 - FordFB67
5 - PkPhreak_official
6 - equiNine
7 - Kranox7656
8 - Sorpality
9 - jaesuk97
10 - gh0sti
11 - Berdonkulous
12 - Rinkito
13 - SwordM13X24
14 - Shark_Jaws
15 - MirrorBlink
16 - tl_cs
17 - minatoapologist
18 - CongaMan1
19 - JackJohn137
20 - ATN_PhasPhys
21 - bzk3000
22 - redalert3907
23 - euphemea
24 - Hax_r_us_kappa
25 - Sainou
26 - TheSideJoe
27 - Daze006
28 - tsuky94
29 - StraightFlush172
30 - zSolaris
31 - sardines93
32 - randomtexanyall
34 - Tollomer
35 - Da-Joe
36 - Demoyon
37 - af-fx-tion
38 - OneSpicyBoyy
39 - BlackjackLeggo
40 - BlueToon_Link
41 - SamManiac1998
42 - FearDubh
43 - kaeporo
44 - thomasawesome55
45 - ColexBowl
46 - Metroplex7
47 - Dark-C
48 - souicune
49 - 0blivionknight
50 - GoldenYoshistar1
51 - The_Anti_Nero
52 - Swiftwhiskers
53 - Ant1ng
54 - LaiLiPing
55 - TheLeiss
56 - LinkaFlame
57 - DoveCannon
58 - Dalewyn
59 - ShadowMLuigi
60 - Ghotistyx_
61 - popkerapping
62 - reilie
63 - ValiantDuran
64 - pokerapping
65 - BattlleTendency
66 - dryomi_23
67 - Red_Demons_Dragon
68 - Tanagrow
69 - Phaaze13
70 - ShadowMLuigi
71 - deoxys_101993
72 - Green_Uncle
73 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
74 - Arklaine
75 - PrisonerLeet
76 - SolokOriginel
77 - qifar78
78 - Starspeedrunner
79 - Caty409
80 - TiltControls
81 - Stateyourname0
82 - maku098
83 - VeryFunnyUsernameLOL
Reinhardt (WoT) - penguinzrock
Reyson - Faithhandler
2 - Lathel
3 - minatoapologist
4 - Vair
5 - Squildo
6 - 7Azvd
7 - MegaBanettes
8 - BlackjackLeggo
9 - TankyMage
10 - FearDubh
11 - samsationalization
12 - MetaTriforce
13 - SuddenJami
14 - IRSkyclaw
15 - GeorgeRivera777
16 - Xb-Dashie-dX
17 - Neiooking
18 - YuvonGrohiik
19 - Newt921
20 - FullFrontalAnal
21 - SirRemzy
22 - Shippinglordishere
23 - Gotta-Snatch-Em-All
24 - KuronixFirhyx
25 - minno
26 - alexclow
27 - ssbmelee99
28 - dyeitblonde
29 - Aromantic_Benzene
30 - TheLeiss
31 - narzibenoucdel
32 - SirHopper
33 - deoxys_101993
34 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
35 - castle_seized
36 - PrisonerLeet
37 - Moosewheat
38 - maku098
39 - Katerpu
40 - TiltControls
41 - AshaTelethia
Rhajat - Lachrymosity
Rhea - RestlessRoman
Rhea (Halloween) - Red_Demons_Dragon
Rhea (Fallen) - verasvanir
Rhys (Summer) - RevolutioFalco
Rickard (Thief) - Possible-Cancel9507
Ricken - Blizzardthree
Riev - Metroplex7
Rinea - Chuuni-chan
Rinkah - Noxa_4
Rinkah (Flame) - TiniestManatee
Robin (F) (Summer) - Razorshadow
Robin (F) - shirsham
2 - sunnavend
3 - goldtreebark
4 - AureusVulpes292
5 - Trigourd
6 - scarletflowers
7 - phopandafan
8 - -MANGA-
10 -SpicyMayMay101
11 - alcyone_
12 - SirBanners
13 - raike1028
14 - Ghotistyx_
15 - Non_Causa_Pro_Causa
16 - WGJuliana
17 - Skybeat8
18 - TheAlondite
19 - Dark-C
20 - recarmloss
21 - StormAurora
22 - Awesome_Alan4ever
23 - NougatFromOrbit
24 - L0RDR0B
25 - Autumnfire55
26 - SuitandTyrogue1
27 - goldtreebark
28 - Neiooking
29 - NohrianScumbag
30 - BoomToast
31 - RoseCelebi
32 - quaremoritor
33 - af-fx-tion
34 - Swiftwhiskers
35 - ShadowMario3
36 - Sprocket3
37 - Navaldeus
Robin (M) - Digipoke5
2 - exxit5408
3 - Khundes
4 - jaesuk97
5 - Salamact
6 - MythlessRWF
7 - Nyhmsical
8 - Joshuaxe7
9 - Drexelton
10 - chuckception
11 - AdeptTriangle
12 - Legitimate__Username
13 - Shy-
14 - alcyone_
15 - arctic746
16 - -MANGA-
17 - Neon-Bjorn
18 - AlwaysDragons
19 - SeikiTanaka
20 - ZXLucario
21 - phopandafan
22 - meta-defying
23 - Viktria
24 - kowaidesuka
25 - Gold_Crocodile
26 - sorry97
27 - RestlessRoman
28 - myopicfirework
29 - scarletflowers
30 - pokedude14
31 - Pep497
32 - takolukanow
33 - NougatFromOrbit
34 - StormAurora
35 - Fusion_Fear
36 - raea-
37 - L0RDR0B
38 - Bang-a-Bonk
39 - s07195
40 - Neiooking
41 - Bastion0435
42 - Swiftwhiskers
43 - Alice_A_C8
44 - Shippinglordishere
45 - NohrianScumbag
46 - Todorokill
47 - SaileVonRiegan
48 - BoomToast
49 - Skybeat8
50 - recarmloss
51 - PigPen910
52 - YoungsterCalvin319
53 - SirHopper
54 - Darjun_Ding
55 - feffany
56 - Earthliving
57 - RoseCelebi
58 - PrisonerLeet
59 - somerandom421
60 - useless_idiot_man
61 - Tery_
62 - Whirlwhind
63 - ShadowMario3
64 - SoupcanSam
Robin (M) (Winter) - exxit5408
Robin (M Fallen Hero) - EpicSquids
2 - littlelilken
3 - LaiLiPing
4 - feguy21
6 - Rabbytt
7 - Azvee
8 - oxio
9 - PkPhreak_official
10 - TrueSuffering
11 - Exalted_Lucina
12 - MirrorBlink
13 - TheAlondite
14 - Kiwifisch
15 - Snowfait
16 - Zentical_
17 - ValsungCB
18 - TheAlondite
19 - scarletflowers
20 - AoifeAnonymous
21 - COLFO
22 - BlackjackLeggo
23 - Nasch-3
24 - ShittyDeviantArtOCs
25 - JdiJwa
26 - BoomToast
27 - StormAurora
28 - Neiooking
29 - TaihousTaihou
30 - IchKannDasN1cht
31 - SolokOriginel
32 - ShadowMario3
33 - SirHopper
Robin (F Fallen Hero) - Kami-San
3 - Rabbytt
4 - PkPhreak_official
5 - TrueSuffering
6 - iLoveShiro_1
7 - alcyone_
8 - MirrorBlink
9 - goldtreebark
10 - euphemea
11 - Feral_Socks
12 - scarletflowers
13 - TomatoFlakes
14 - Squildo
15 - BlackjackLeggo
16 - StormAurora
17 - JsKingBoo
18 - goldtreebark
19 - JdiJwa
20 - SuitandTyrogue1
21 - RoseCelebi
22 - af-fx-tion
23 - Eclahn
24 - SirHopper
25 - Ghotistyx_
26 - jdotremy
27 - souicune
28 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
29 - Paperio
30 - IchKannDasN1cht
31 - Patchoru
32 - ShadowMario3
33 - ProfTurquoise
Robin (F Fallen Hero) (Halloween) - PM_ME_LEGIT_ANYTHING
Robin (F Valentine’s) - DoveCannon
Robin (M Fallen Hero) (Halloween) - RotomGuy
Robin (M) (Legendary) - ShadowMario3
Robin (F Fallen Hero) (Rearmed) - ShadowMLuigi
Robin (M) (Groom) - ShadowMario3
Robin (M) (Brave) - ShadowMario3
Robin (M) (Young) - ShadowMario3
Robin (F) + Chrom (Young) - scarletflowers
Robin (F) (Brave) - ShadowMario3
Roderick - oPlaiD
Rolf (Halloween) - damagereducer
Ronan - JdiJwa
Rosado - ShadowMLuigi
Roshea - Blizzardthree
Ross - Belligero_
2 - UpsideDownTofu
3 - GeorgeRivera777
4 - SuperSnivMatt
5 - Tollomer
6 - Shooting-Joestar
7 - jp_2400
8 - Gotta-Snatch-Em-All
9 - JdiJwa
10 - Newt921
11 - KuronixFirhyx
12 - LaiLiPing
13 - Totsutei
14 - Turen_
15 - dyeitblonde
16 - SuitandTyrogue1
17 - Navaldeus
18 - Estebest
19 - Nintentoast
20 - TheFerydra
21 - BattlleTendency
22 - souicune
23 - wright764
24 - ScythXGaming
25 - Moosewheat
26 - Blazeing2
Roy - exxit5408
2 - BloodArtisan
3 - Bercoot
4 - shredder360
5 - infestx
6 - oxio
7 - Climber_Fuuka
8 - Kupse
9 - go4ino
10 - battle0tortoise
12 - MiLiBi_
13 - Foleysaur
14 - ayaansuper
15 - Baby_Penguin76
16 - PegaponyPrince
17 - Trowa001
18 - Z-tune
19 - Project__Z
20 - TheDankestDreams
21 - Jerorin
22 - Bang-a-Bonk
23 - sorry97
24 - Yoshieatsyourpie
25 - TheCobraSlayer
26 - Zeiskyte
27 - Naqulma
28 - man_in_the_suit
29 - Syxt
30 - RestInWaffles
31 - JdiJwa
32 - variabels
33 - Nintentoast
34 - Aromantic_Benzene
35 - Nightdancer666
36 - MahkWebbahMulti21
37 - Taichikins
38 - thepointofeverything
39 - OriginalTsumi
40 - ssbmelee99
41 - Turen_
42 - FreeRobuxClicc
43 - Dalewyn
44 - helioview
45 - A_Nifty_Person
46 - Green_Uncle
47 - Tery_
Roy (Brave) - exxit5408
Roy (Love Abounds) - Jtarts
Roy (Legendary) - abros_vii
Roy + Eliwood (Groom) - PM_ME_EDGEWORTH_NUDE
Rudolf - unaegis
Rutger - TankyMage
Ryoma - exxit5408
Ryoma (Legendary) - penguinzrock
Ryoma (Festival in Hoshido) - KatDaddy021
Ryoma (Hot Spring’s) - tsuky94
Saber - Eirikafeh
Saias - juuldude
Sain - leberboi
Saizo - Floreau
Sakura - exxit5408
2 - subterraneanbunnypig
3 - AnotherKrn
4 - icksq
5 - nyaaapy
6 - allumium
7 - Leidon94
8 - Pep794
9 - Lainon
10 - Loe151
11 - Skybeat8
12 - ArcherM0N0
13 - perepipe8
14 - BlazeBloom
15 - TomatoFlakes
16 - RestInWaffles
17 - PegaponyPrince
18 - MythlessRWF
19 - MrFail101
20 - SoleilMain
21 - Bane_of_Ruby
22 - MelHuney
23 - Awesome_Alan4ever
24 - DarkSlayer415
25 - glacicle
26 - Toluthin
28 - LittleIslander
Sakura (Halloween) - exxit5408
Sakura (HS) - ImoutoLord
Saleh (Spring) - jcp365
Salem - Aetherryn
Sanaki - TomatoFlakes
Sanaki (Bridal) - penguinzrock
Sanaki + Micaiah (Ninja) - Totsutei
Saul - Totsutei
Say’ri - dankpointer
Say’ri (Bridal) - is_Maestro
Scathach - JdiJwa
Seadall (Halloween) - _vinventure
Sedgar - souicune
Seidr - ShadowMLuigi
Seidr + Heidr (New Year’s) - FellMarie
Seiros - NohrianScumbag
Selena (Sacred Stones) - aiasthegreatest
Selena (Sacred Stones) (Summer) - Belligero_
Selena (Sacred Stones) (Valentine’s) - RestlessRoman
Selena (Fates) - DKRF
2 - VoltRizer
3 - CicadaSamurai
4 - GoofyfanG56
5 - cldcotn
6 - GoldGoomba
7 - ShamooAran
8 - DenTjorven
9 - DeepFriedChickn
10 - SkettiSkele
11 - theprodigy64
12 - Berdonkulous
13 - SeveraSS
14 - davivanator
15 - YukikazeNJ
16 - NovelistOrange
17 - Metroidrocks
18 - Chokaruz
19 - RFembot
20 - Darjun_Ding
21 - Asuna514
22 - Yoppish
23 - BlazeBloom
24 - kungfugator57
25 - TemporalAlchemy
26 - atomosk
27 - Squildo
28 - Trashris
29 - NohrianOctorok
30 - TemporalAlchemy
31 - Geeene
32 - Metroplex7
33 - NohrianScumbag
34 - Jagoslaw
35 - Friitig
36 - Turen_
37 - ShadowMLuigi
38 - Toluthin
39 - _Hati_05
40 - useless_idiot_man
41 - HuTaoWow
42 - ScythXGaming
Seliph - exxit5408
2 - Suzua
3 - rrs72
4 - crunk_juice34
5 - Bree64
6 - nyxduplex
7 - NyxNoxBox
8 - Jimbo24800
9 - perklekranian
10 - Meltlilith
11 - Emm1096
12 - jolanz5
13 - Grade-AMasterpiece
14 - roflwaffler
15 - MageFighter687
16 - Merukurio
17 - Teafoil
18 - Jagoslaw
19 - El_Fonz0
20 - CrimsonPaintWolf
21 - Tollomer
22 - X-pert74
23 - tamminhvtkg
24 - Totsutei
25 - kit_you_out
26 - Skybeat8
27 - eternal_paradox_28
28 - intoxicatedpancakes
29 - TinyCatStomper4000
30 - Nintentoast
31 - MystyM
32 - RoseCelebi
33 - CrystalAether
34 - PrisonerLeet
35 - aqexpredator
36 - Pyrozendot
37 - sitta_canadensis
38 - Tery_
39 - Mr-Lostcause
40 - symmphonic
41 - Blaz_69
42 - dukeaegir
43 - AJRayquaza
Seliph (Legendary) - roflwaffler
Seliph (Brave) - KujoQtaro
Selkie - AureusVulpes292
Selkie (New Year’s) - DBrody6
Sephiran (Winter) - NeonS4
Serra - Eirikafeh
2 - hilkswag
3 - tetraazide
4 - Ritathesage
5 - Trickster_Tricks
6 - VoltRizer
7 - CMobarley
8 - Neon-Bjorn
9 - Dunjunmstr
10 - Merukurio
11 - Totsutei
12 - Alaguesia
13 - Bang-a-Bonk
14 - y_th0ugh
15 - samatoa
16 - zGlunkus
17 - SuperSnivMatt
18 - darkveeck
19 - FearDubh
20 - Tapo11
21 - Stalkos
22 - Arklaine
23 - mindthetimes
24 - Big_moist_231
Seteth - JdiJwa
2 - YuvonGrohiik
3 - justinator119
4 - Luis_lara12345
5 - souicune
6 - Slurpuffilicious
7 - CunntyBunny
8 - Gamer178
9 - Nintentoast
10 - wright764
11 - AoifeAnonymous
12 - goldtreebark
13 - RoseCelebi
14 - ScythXGaming
15 - Totsutei
16 - Green_Uncle
17 - Bored5437
18 - Arklaine
19 - howlinghenbane
20 - Katerpu
21 - SuddenJami
22 - Moosewheat
23 - CharaFanGirl
24 - NightmareShane
25 - PrisonerLeet
26 - nostradonist
27 - Beard-Loving-Gamer
28 - Sprocket3
Seth - exxit5408
Seth (Summer) - RevolutioFalco
Setsuna - Seimei
2 - dodev
3 - Prime262
4 - hyperiondaylily
5 - OkuyasuTBH
6 - bleh13r
7 - FaceShrine
8 - averagearti
9 - Daze006
10 - furiablancag
11 - JdiJwa
12 - saukgon
13 - raike1028
14 - Skybeat8
15 - Blurgawurgakree
16 - crowning_sapphire
17 - SuperSnivMatt
18 - ATOMIC_1000
19 - BlueToon_Link
20 - MrStreeter
21 - ScythXGaming
Severa (Spring) - Trashris
Shamir - BlackStar3000
Shamir (Ninja) - zedabo
Shamir + Catherine (Summer) - Soleil_Is_Bae
Shanna - StirFryTuna
2 - uminokakesu
3 - exxit5408
5 - falutin
6 - fujibayashi
7 - MrBrickBreak
8 - PegaponyPrince
9 - Climber_Fuuka
10 - JdiJwa
11 - Krzyforbacon
12 - Sebedwards
13 - wander1pos
14 - crunk_juice34
15 - neokombat
16 - fidgetspinnercuck
17 - Dbapkero
18 - NintendoMasterNo1
19 - Bastion0435
20 - SoM_best_keyblade
21 - zSolaris
22 - Geeene
23 - s07195
24 - TankyMage
25 - Totsutei
26 - Illumina25
27 - PigPen910
28 - A_Nifty_Person
Shanna (Bridal) - zSolaris
Shannan - Skullsmasha
Sharena (Spring) - Scary_Tiger
Sheena - equiNine
2 - exxit5408
3 - lusciouscookies
4 - TheBlimp
5 - jaesuk97
6 - CarelessKrow
7 - Bigwickdilly
8 - D3monicUnicorn
9 - FairyMMM
10 - fermatajack
11 - PegaponyPrince
12 - RisenLazarus
13 - PkPhreak_official
14 - LeMazing
15 - Maynguene
16 - SoupMod
17 - TiltControls
18 - Chauzu
19 - Void_Whale
20 - abros_vii
21 - Xyronith
22 - AsunonIndigo
23 - KipKippy
24 - MashPotato2424
25 - roc69x
26 - Squildo
27 - Minealternateaccount
28 - PottedPlantMan7
29 - wander1pos
30 - SharpBFlat
31 - Bargotz
32 - ArcherM0N0
33 - crunk_juice34
34 - Metroplex7
35 - deoxys_101993
36 - Phenollam
37 - Jagoslaw
38 - ignar17
39 - Jason1435
40 - Demoyon
41 - Nintentoast
42 - oplaxgoalie2
43 - TheLeiss
44 - JsKingBoo
45 - Autumnfire55
46 - Pope_Penguin
47 - LaiLiPing
48 - EpicRome23
49 - MageFighter687
50 - souicune
51 - Zerimar_
52 - reilie
53 - PigPen910
54 - maxblade33
55 - Metrocoral
56 - Tery_
Shez (M) - StormAurora
Shez (F) - MisoSoup247
Shez (M) (Summer) - Yumekaze
Shez (F) (Legendary) - ShortJoe
Shigure (Performing) - exxit5408
Shigure (WoF) - ANTH1357
2 - nyxduplex
3 - Lainon
4 - Squildo
5 - CinnamonStarlight
6 - goldsbananas
7 - takolukanow
8 - NightmareShane
9 - TomatoFlakes
10 - souicune
11 - Oliviaisbestgirl
12 - BlackjackLeggo
13 - lustforpeach3s
14 - SoleilMain
15 - expaja
16 - lonelyhoodieguy
17 - OriginalTsumi
18 - neurot0
19 - RevolutioFalco
20 - feffany
21 - RoseCelebi
22 - montblanc__
Shinon - DarkLinkOW
Shiro - iLoveShiro_1
Siegbert - exxit5408
Sigrun - Protectator
Sigrun (Bride) - WindFyrePhx
Sigurd - Kirbyoung
Sigurd + Deirdre (Soiree) - JdiJwa
Sigurd (Legendary) - AbyssiHu
Sigurd (Teatime) - Mitsun
Sigurd (Emblem) - ukantor
Silas - Megatempo
Silque - Gotta-Snatch-Em-All
Silque (Valentine’s) - BlazeBloom
Silvia - mothmanex
2 - SobriK
3 - xSuperKamiGuru
4 - paradisetrain
5 - samsationalization
6 - fidgetspinnercuck
7 - go4ino
8 - DarkOmegaX
9 - vectorgram353
10 - takolukanow
11 - Bored5437
12 - abracalulu
13 - roflwaffler
14 - TyrekGoldenspear
15 - Jagoslaw
16 - alexclow
17 - ssbmelee99
18 - LinkaFlame
19 - secret_julius
20 - Zerimar_
21 - abros_vii
22 - RoseCelebi
23 - StormAurora
24 - helioview
25 - EggHiraeth
26 - Zigoon
27 - Toluthin
28 - _Hati_05
29 - aqexpredator
30 - TheLeiss
31 - maku098
32 - Totsutei
Sirius - Shuyomi
Soleil - exxit5408
2 - samsationalization
3 - jaesuk97
4 - DarionDiaz
5 - Turtlesrawesum4
6 - dinhatime1014
7 - zetapup
8 - FearDubh
9 - Lainon
10 - PastaX2
11 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
12 - Hollea
13 - Aerija
14 - pagingdrchau
15 - solarDerivative
16 - RisenLazarus
17 - october_5
18 - Shredjeep5
19 - PkPhreak_official
20 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
21 - Climber_Fuuka
22 - Trowa001
23 - Sinakku
24 - Lesber
25 - euphemea
26 - MrAnfinity
27 - Bigwickdilly
28 - Luis_lara12345
29 - Rakaro
30 - kpnut93
31 - Lethalmilk
32 - WolfeenGaming
33 - Triials
34 - BHawksFan01
35 - kungfugator57
36 - Metroplex7
37 - Renphro
38 - Viktria
39 - PMDdarkness937
40 - Kenyac
41 - Skyliner14
42 - rashy05
43 - Pionf
44 - eggplantbear
45 - Triials
46 - hercules-rockefeller
47 - NougatFromOrbit
48 - Hitokage_Tamashi
49 - FaZeR_PT
50 - RestInWaffles
51 - AegisLC
52 - RiskehVIII
53 - souicune
54 - Oliviaisbestgirl
55 - Demoyon
56 - XxTaeYeonxX
57 - OneSpicyBoyy
58 - FearDubh
59 - Elyctrokaze
60 - Solbango
61 - BlackwingBoi
62 - mcoyne12
63 - TerdMuncher
64 - SoleilMain
65 - Patchoru
66 - Totsutei
67 - XDageon11
68 - Haydos823
69 - Munther27
70 - DoveCannon
71 - Caty409
72 - Darth-Not-Palpatine
73 - TheLukewarmYeti
74 - reilie
75 - helioview
76 - Pope_Penguin
77 - SolokOriginel
78 - UltraZoraman
79 - ChernoRose
80 - NohrianScumbag
81 - CzarKhasm
Solon - BlackStar300
Sonia - FangJustice
Sonya - FordFB67
Sophia - Kregar123
2 - exxit5408
3 - uminokakesu
4 - nosefera2
5 - G-N-S
6 - Ritathesage
7 - 11du11
8 - SoupMod
9 - shadowyoshi64
10 - albasina_SHIRO
11 - Darjun_Ding
12 - beneathuja
13 - Deaddude10
14 - Sivarro
15 - Totsutei
16 - RestInWaffles
17 - MasatoManatee
18 - Kuina
19 - theunicorngod
20 - souicune
21 - CptnHandsome
22 - Jagoslaw
23 - XDageon11
24 - Phanngle
25 - Dalewyn
26 - Ghotistyx_
27 - Skybeat8
28 - theprodigy64
29 - TinyCatStomper4000
30 - A_Nifty_Person
31 - Toluthin
32 - Patchoru
33 - nostradonist
Sophia (Halloween) - BreakfastMint
Sophia (Bridal) - Totsutei
Soren - star-light-trip
2 - exxit5408
3 - gaming_whatever
4 - surprisecenter
5 - Ciarre
6 - jaesuk97
7 - Sorenity_Now
8 - kowaidesuka
9 - crowning_sapphire
11 - Minhana
12 - Tilted180Degrees
13 - defenestratedplane
14 - A5760P
15 - YuvonGrohiik
16 - Mintz_Meat
17 - fork_the_world
18 - uminokakesu
19 - Nick0222
20 - 9S86U76UX5
21 - digdugchamp
22 - JDraks
23 - freegamenocomplain
24 - RevolutioFalco
25 - AzNx7
26 - _Vair_
27 - _vinventure
28 - HeeHokun
29 - Shredjeep5
30 - alcyone_
31 - Gold_Crocodile
32 - crunk_juice34
33 - Pyrozendot
34 - EliteLaser
35 - Z-tune
36 - FullFrontalAnal
37 - Yoshieatsyourpie
38 - TheCobraSlayer
39 - roguemischief
40 - y_th0ugh
41 - Goomba_Face
42 - SirRemzy
43 - snipersaw
44 - AnkouDusk
45 - WakameTaishi
46 - 28064212000
47 - myopicfirework
48 - Nightdancer666
49 - kaeporo
50 - 7Azvd
51 - TheLeiss
52 - Bang-a-Bonk
53 - SoleilMain
54 - Neiooking
55 - expaja
56 - Kuina
57 - 1breadstick
58 - Zerimar_
59 - Bored5437
60 - 98Ms_
61 - Hydrolucario7
62 - MystyM
63 - secondvoyager
64 - Moosewheat
65 - Katerpu
66 - Tery_
Soren (Greil’s Devoted) - star-light-trip
Soren (Khadein) - Komeiji11
Soren (Young) - Ybernando
Soren (Brave) - Fate1316
Sothe - Faithhandler
2 - Sliver_of_Nihil
3 - Curanthir
4 - Foleysaur
5 - _Vair_
6 - Erichilles
7 - JdiJwa
8 - czechmate11
9 - Sir_Chunkles
10 - MegaBanettes
11 - Jerorin
12 - Taichikins
13 - crunk_juice34
14 - hercules-rockefeller
15 - 127294
16 - TheAlondite
17 - FearDubh
18 - kaeporo
19 - Pyrozendot
20 - Neiooking
21 - SuddenJami
22 - dyeitblonde
23 - minno
24 - 1breadstick
25 - Totsutei
26 - ssbmelee99
27 - Phanngle
28 - secret_julius
29 - LinkaFlame
30 - Zerosiz
31 - abros_vii
32 - Nintentoast
33 - Navaldeus
34 - souicune
35 - Arklaine
36 - ShadowMLuigi
37 - Moosewheat
38 - Awkward-Ceremony
39 - symmphonic
40 - TheLeiss
Sothe (Thief) - Ybernando
Sothis - Rabbytt
Sothis (Winter) - Rabbytt
Sothis + Byleth (M) (Halloween) - dahliamoonflowers
Sumia - PagePyralis
Stahl - dcho1
Subaki - Somailan_Pirate
2 - yaycupcake
3 - TheEvictor
4 - shuyn0123
5 - Energybomb17
6 - ThisIsNotSean
7 - LVsApawn
8 - samezuka
9 - tthompson5
10 - SyrupnBeavers
11 - Ya_boi_Ganon
12 - Symphawnics
13 - Grade-AMasterpiece
14 - Skybeat8
15 - Gliscens
16 - TomatoFlakes
17 - takolukanow
18 - newlyrottenquiche
19 - icydragon0605
20 - neurot0
21 - Dexiriev
22 - MattiasR_145
23 - Toluthin
Sue - JdiJwa
Sully - tkbyon
Surtr - Kami-San
Surtr (Pirate) - HeavenlySeraph
Sylvain - reckless–serenade
Sylvain (Summer) - kieku1
2 - Taichikins
3 - goldenchocobokitty
4 - Papiville
5 - OriginalTsumi
6 - 1breadstick
7 - KaiDoesStuff
8 - justinator119
9 - averagearti
10 - Caty409
11 - af-fx-tion
12 - Skybeat8
13 - StormAurora
14 - RevolutioFalco
15 - Bored5437
16 - SolokOriginel
17 - Neiooking
18 - chonksuke
19 - Hydrolucario7
20 - Gotta-Snatch-Em-All
21 - CunntyBunny
22 - yeeeling
23 - LeoLion989
24 - Psistriker94
25 - NightmareShane
Syrene - Cannedcabbage
Tailtiu - Teh2chao2
2 - _Rasta_
3 - beneo42
4 - crunk_juice34
5 - Loe151
6 - CinnamonStarlight
7 - NohrianScumbag
8 - paradisetrain
9 -alcyone_
10 - Totsutei
11 - roflwaffler
12 - porrmat1421
13 - WinterWolf18
14 - Metroplex7
15 - AlbinosRideDinos
16 - Da-Joe
17 - vectorgram353
18 - mcoyne12
19 - Itsmisterpool
20 - ThePinkReaper
21 - go4ino
22 - Helswath
23 - SharpBFlat
24 - YuvonGrohiik
25 - souicune
26 - Acid1014
27 - MidnightLime
28 - minno
29 - alexclow
30 - andypin2002
31 - NightmareShane
32 - RoseCelebi
33 - HellaHotLancelot
34 - Ghotistyx_
35 - TinyCatStomper4000
36 - Bored5437
37 - MechaWilson
38 - IzHaz
39 - Toluthin
40 - LeoLion989
41 - Kaiayos
42 - grassyterrain
43 - JdiJwa
44 - aqexpredator
45 - Slurpuffilicious
46 - Skybeat8
47 - Possible-Cancel9507
48 - symmphonic
49 - RottenCaterpillar
50 - TiltControls
51 - Jagoslaw
Tailtiu (Teatime) - Jagoslaw
Takumi - exxit5408
Takumi (New Years) - thtomatoes
Takumi (Summer) - Dare_Rio
Takumi (Fallen) - Yoshieatsyourpie
Tana - exxit5408
Tana (Summer) - october_5
Tana (Young) - AbyssiHu
Tana + Peony (Flame) - Random546
Tana (Rearmed) - Random546
Tana (New Year’s) - Random546
Tanith - MajorasKatana
Tanith (Bridal) - IMrHappy
Tanya - JdiJwa
Tatiana - Blizzardthree
Tethys - Belligero_
2 - Fusion_Fear
3 - Gotta-Snatch-Em-All
4 - xZealHakune
5 - 9s_stan
6 - dyeitblonde
7 - SuperSnivMatt
8 - go4ino
9 - RoseCelebi
10 - icydragon0605
11 - Nintentoast
12 - narzibenoucdel
13 - reilie
14 - ProfessionalSquid
15 - HellaHotLancelot
16 - BattlleTendency
17 - Phaaze13
18 - TheLeiss
19 - Meltlilith
20 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
21 - StormAurora
22 - NightmareShane
Tharja - kris12k4
2 - exxit5408
3 - yungdilbert
4 - NohrianScumbag
5 - jaesuk97
6 - tl_cs
7 - Kupse
8 - Geomint
9 - wander1pos
10 - Triials
11 - BlackStar300
12 - KulalalaDiemond
13 - Hax_r_us_kappa
14 - Zulqifar
15 - Lachrymosity
16 - Bang-a-Bonk
17 - LaiLiPing
18 - Regnum_Umbra
19 - SirBanners
20 - Pionf
21 - mcoyne12
22 - XxTaeYeonxX
23 - Nintentoast
24 - Blurgawurgakree
25 - BlackwingBoi
26 - lunchbane
27 - Grade-AMasterpiece
28 - Navaldeus
29 - SoleilMain
30 - Nova_4
31 - RestlessRoman
32 - Bane_of_Ruby
33 - WoomyX1000
34 - minno
35 - Patchoru
36 - BoomToast
37 - DoveCannon
38 - Caty409
39 - TheLeiss
40 - dryomi_23
41 - Saints_Space
42 - Red_Demons_Dragon
43 - somerandom421
44 - seastarcrossing
45 - Tery_
Tharja (Winter) - Stratigizer
Tharja (Bridal) - october_5
Tharja (Plegian) - NohrianScumbag
Tharja (Summer) - seastarcrossing
Tharja (Ninja) - BlackStar300
Thea - clavatt
2 - n_kaze_
3 - MrMc3
4 - RestInWaffles
5 - Nintentoast
6 - PegaponyPrince
7 - JdiJwa
8 - TankyMage
9 - YuvonGrohiik
10 - Nyphus
11 - Metroplex7
12 - LinkaFlame
13 - Neiooking
14 - Zigoon
15 - Niqkel
16 - ShadowMLuigi
17 - IDontCareByThisPoint
18 - A_Splash_of_Citrus
19 - Yumekaze
20 - Mr-Lostcause
21 - Pit_Solitayrh
22 - maku098
23 - UnbindA11
24 - Totsutei
Thrasir - fjorm_book_ii
Thorr - october_5
Thorr + Loki (Summer) - ElemiaReyvateil
Tibarn - Faithhandler
Tibarn (Pirate) - Lathel
Tiki (Adult) - exxit5408
2 - Shuyomi
3 - falconscreech
4 - Kregar123
5 - MacAnLuin
6 - burdturgler1154
7 - TinyCrewShips
8 - dcho1
9 - jaesuk97
10 - 17Master
11 - anivbott
12 - Wingcapx
13 - danilkom
14 - GoldGoomba
15 - Kaz_Kirigiri
16 - davivanator
17 - Yoppish
18 - BuffBlarwolf
19 - ken_Oh_sama
20 - StraightFlush172
21 - More_Rice_Please
22 - PkPhreak_official
23 - MirrorBlink
24 - euphemea
25 - The_Portlandian
26 - Frochtejohgurt
27 - BubblyTea
28 - SpiiCee
29 - Wyvern_Lord
30 - AttackingStarfish
31 - Navaldeus
32 - MirrorBlink
33 - VelocityWings12
34 - VoltRizer
35 - 127294
36 - pattaarr
37 - CMobarley
38 - RokuroKun
39 - sourpandabear
40 - JediFerrari
41 - Maplemage
42 - KipKippy
43 - Deathcommand
44 - Latibello
45 - Truth_Bullet
46 - sunsettingnova
47 - abros_vii
48 - neokombat
49 - TheSideJoe
50 - American-Swiper
51 - ClickHereToDie
52 - AngeryRob
53 - lexibasmati
54 - RestlessRoman
55 - Pionf
56 - Tollomer
57 - NougatFromOrbit
58 - Hitokage_Tamashi
59 - Jagoslaw
60 - Da-Joe
61 - Eggnoug
62 - snipersaw
63 - RiskehVIII
64 - zGlunkus
65 - Demoyon
66 - af-fx-tion
67 - Chauzu
68 - Nintentoast
69 - Solbango
70 - Nazh2206
71 - Mosmumo
72 - TSmasher1000
73 - Elyctrokaze
74 - NephsDeliciousLegs
75 - kaeporo
76 - SuitandTyrogue1
77 - TerdMuncher
78 - s07195
79 - Neiooking
80 - Rammiloh
81 - GoldenYoshistar1
82 - The_Anti_Nero
83 - TheFerydra
84 - Papiville
85 - jblissey
86 - RoseCelebi
87 - chaosangel
88 - EpicRome23
89 - reilie
90 - jlaweez
91 - Legitimate__Username
92 - BattlleTendency
93 - Wingcapx
94 - jdotremy
95 - Green_Uncle
96 - Tery_
97 - useless_idiot_man
98 - Moosewheat
99 - ScythXGaming
100 - ShadowMario3
101 - the_Ark_king
102 - FellMarie
Tiki (Adult, Summer) - Kranox7656
Tiki (Young) - chrisp_
Tiki (Young, Summer) - Rabbytt
Tiki (Legendary) - Rabbytt
Tiki (Darkness Within) - Drake_Erif
Tiki + Ninian (Halloween) - Drake_Erif
Tiki (Brave) - RoseCelebi
Tiki + Tiki (Bridal) - SoupcanSam
Timerra - HeavenlySeraph
Timerra (Halloween) - HeavenlySeraph
Tine - LordDmoney
Titania - exxit5408
2 - Aarux
3 - Lonignus
4 - eclogia
5 - TomatoFlakes
6 - chuggiedynasty
7 - Awalk_C-137
8 - TheDanteCaesar
9 - MeruvisKitsune
10 - Tebacon
11 - GigaEel
12 - ferranditto
13 - Pyrozendot
14 - JDraks
15 - DwyerThunder
16 - purplewhirl
17 - BobTheSheriff
18 - G-N-S
19 - Konstant_Pain
20 - zechstyr
21 - Galastan
22 - Pionf
23 - Yoshieatsyourpie
24 - NohrianScumbag
25 - roguemischief
26 - YuvonGrohiik
27 - fork_the_world
28 - SuorGenoveffa
29 - Goomba_Face
30 - XnFM
31 - Faustenberger
32 - Bubaruba
33 - 7Azvd
34 - -TheFoolishJester
35 - raike1028
36 - SuperSnivMatt
37 - WakameTaishi
38 - OminousGray
39 - expaja
40 - xZealHakune
41 - EpicRome23
42 - BoomToast
43 - Eclahn
44 - feffany
45 - Caelholdt
46 - Hawkeye437
47 - TiltControls
48 - Tery_
Titania (Greil’s Devoted) - icydragon0605
Tobin - BlueIsForPlayers
Tormod (Nabata) - Latibello
Travant - booleanHipster
Triandra - LinkaFlame
Triandra (Spring) - TheJGohShow
Tsubasa - You-han
Ullr - JdiJwa
Ursula - MasatoManatee
Ursula (Khadein) - RestlessRoman
Ursula (Summer) - corkyyyyy
Valbar - MetaTriforce
Validar - Yumekaze
Valter - ValiantDuran
Vanessa - kieku1
Veld - keyver-C
Velouria - suicidal-ghost
Velouria (New Year’s) - TiniestManatee
Veronica - ShinzoFTW
Veronica (Spring) - Blizzardthree
Veronica + Xander (Pirate) - RainbowThePheonix
Veronica (Valentine’s) - Blizzardthree
Veronica (Legendary) - starlyt3
Veyle (Mythic) - Aaronwebber9
Vigarde - VeryFunnyUsernameLOL
Vika (Pirate) - Lathel
Virion - Kinkazooie
Volke - DurgenTheFirst
Vyland - JdiJwa
Walhart - EchoCrescent
Wil - Totsutei
Wolf - Lemonzest974
Wolt (Summer) - JdiJwa
Wrys - athropods
Xander - Avo006
Xander (Spring) - PolyArmored
Xander (Summer) - chiropterakee
Xander (Festival in Hoshido) - evlawnmower
Xander (Legendary) - Blizzard_PR
Xane (Halloween) - Gotta-Snatch-Em-All
Xane (Hatari) - JdiJwa
Yarne - MegaBanettes
Yarne (New Year’s) - CoeurElectrik
Yen’fay - Blizzardthree
Ylgr - kaoru-matsubara
Ylgr (Summer) - samatoa
Yuliya - Totsutei
Yune - YorozuyaTrio
Yuri - Red_Demons_Dragon
Yuri (Legendary) - MundanePhysics
Zeke - NohrianScumbag
Zelgius - Faithhandler
Zelot (Groom) - Pf9877
Zephia - Ryzer28
Zephiel - Pizzatruck
2 - OneTrueBanana
3 - battle0tortoise
4 - LazEness22
5 - KujoQtaro
6 - MrFail101
8 - Kuina
9 - NephsDeliciousLegs
10 - Pronche
11 - TheLeiss
12 - newlyrottenquiche
13 - maxdaboss
14 - DurgenTheFirst
15 - SuitandTyrogue1
16 - Zerimar_
17 - Earthliving
18 - Moosewheat
19 - Link7609
20 - peababyy
21 - CzarKhasm
Zihark (Ninja) - Tapo11